practice location website macro for sms template


Is there a way to set up a macro for the practice location website? We have one set Appointment Reminder SMS template for all departments and practice locations, however I need the sms to include a different websites.

What we have is:

concat('We look forward to seeing you with ', expr:if(expr:var('') != '', concat(expr:var(''), ''), 'your pet'),
                     ' at ',$,' on ', date:formatDate($appointment.startTime, 'short'),
                     ' @ ', date:formatTime($appointment.startTime, 'short'),'. ',
Please visit:


I'd like the last line to be something like:

Please visit: ',$,'/covid-19/



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Re: practice location website macro for sms template

Sure. Each practice location needs its own Website contact, and then you can use:

concat('We look forward to seeing you with ', expr:if(expr:var('') != '', concat(expr:var(''), ''), 'your pet'),
                     ' at ',$,' on ', date:formatDate($appointment.startTime, 'short'),
                     ' @ ', date:formatTime($appointment.startTime, 'short'),'. ',
Please visit: ', party:getWebsite($location), '/covid-19')



Re: practice location website macro for sms template

Thanks so much Tim

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