Printing with and without letterhead

Hi all,

Can anyone advise me if the following is possible - I'd like to be able to open a form document for example a vaccination certificate and chose whether I want it printed with electronic letterhead (that is already formatted in openvpms) or directly onto preprinted letterhead. It seems I can only print with or without my letterhead already formatted on the template. Another example is an invoice. When I print one out I'd prefer to be able to print it onto letterhead paper so I just need the content in the form. But if I email the invoice it would need to be on electronic letterhead, and similarly with the vaccination certificates.


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Re: Printing with and without letterhead

Hi Ari,

We would also love this feature. Mainly when emailing histories otherwise the history has no identification.

We were using this feature with our previous Practice Management Program.


Re: Printing with and without letterhead


To have an option for printing with a logo on blank paper or letterhead you would need to create the document twice.  Once calling it Vaccination Certificate Logo and second Vaccination Certificate Letterhead.

To make this work you would need to print these from the patient file/ documents tab and choose which document you would like to print.

To my knowledge this cant be done with the invoice as it is not a patient form or letter.

I would recomend setting up your documents all on blank paper and create your own letterhead so you can print or email.

The patient medical history can be created with a logo and your details on the header.


Re: Printing with and without letterhead

Hi Cath,

When I print the patient history I go to Summary and select notes and print that. Is that the correct way and if so how would I choose to export it with a computer generated letterhead?


Re: Printing with and without letterhead

Thanks Cath, so the basic answer is no I guess. I know I can set up the documents using purely electronic letterhead but this isn't my preferred option as I have some beautifully designed print letterhead which I'd rather use. The design of the letterhead can't be used for the electronic versions as it needs to be printed "borderless" which is a pain on the "end users" printers and not something anyone would do anyway! I also think it costs more overall to print colour documents with electronic letterhead as opposed to printing black & white text onto letterhead paper. Maybe something for future versions?



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