Product Price Rebate


A couple of companies offer a rebate on their products. This is not discounted from the wholesalers price, rather we get a rebate at the end of the month. We would like to pass this on to the client. Rather than changing the cost price in the product set up, is there a way to add a discount or rebate amount to the product?

I'd like to do this so that when I am checking cost prices against wholesaler invoices or when they do a price increase, I don't have to remember to factor in the rebate (that is separate).

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Re: Product Price Rebate

Can you use discounts?

1. Create a Discount Type for each product with a rebate e.g. 'Rebate for Product A', 'Rebate for Product B' etc

2. Create a Discount Group Type 'Rebates', that references each of the rebtate discount types above

3. Link the 'Rebates' discount to the customers you want to receive the rebate.


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