Reference in Till Balance


Can anyone tell me what I need to put in my jasper report to print the "Reference" in the Till Balance.

I have changed the archetype for act.customerAccountPayment.1.0 in Reference to minimum cardinality = 1.

This is so staff cannot complete a payment without putting in their initials.

So, I would like the 'Reference' (staff initials) to print on the till balance.

I have attached my jrxml docucment 'Till Balance'



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Re: Reference in Till Balance

Greta - you access the reference field in the payment as item.reference  (item because this is one of the items in the till balance, reference because this is the name of the field in the payment act).

You could have also simply used the user name.  The till balance report in 1.8 does this and you get:

This is accessed as the field named

Regards, Tim G

Re: Reference in Till Balance

Thanks Tim!


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