Reminder response


Is there a way on OpenVPMS that I can monitor the response we get from clients after the patient reminders are sent out?


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Reminder response

Hi Sandra,

OpenVPMS holds all the information necessary to produce a report on reminder response rates including reminder counts, last sent dates, completed dates etc. 

Don't think there is a report developed to collate this information yet but would be pretty straight forward I believe.

I assume you would need a report by Reminder Type detailing In progress, Completed after 0,1,2,3,4 reminders. , and Cancelled with  % and counts for a specified due date date range?



Re: Reminder response

Hi Sandra, Tony,

Try Reminder Statistics report - seems to provide all the info. Not sure if it works in all versions


Sorry - just noticed this is from a year ago, for some reason at the top of my screen

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