Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

Is there a way to increase the number of characters visible in a phone number in left info panel? 

As soon as a name is longer than 5 characters, the number is truncated even though there sems to be lots of room for the whole number and name to appear.  If the name is longer than 8 characters, the name is truncated as well.



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Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

If you hover the mouse over the contact, it will show the full contact in a tooltip.

The length is determined by the property in <TOMCAT_HOME>/webapps/openvpms/WEB-INF/classes/style/



Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

Perfect, thank you. 

I changed from the default of 22 to 28 and can now get names of up to 10 characters long without truncation or running into right margin.

Staff happy.


Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off


It was a good idea in theory smiley but unfortunately changing also alters where the dollar amounts start in the display, pushing the decimal point and cents off the screen (even with a setting of 25).

Oh well it was worth a try.  

Thanks again.

Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

This should be improved in the latest release available from the Download page ( at the time of writing). It will abbreviate the phone contact name in preference to the number.

Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

>will abbreviate the phone contact name

Thanks, Tim - that's perfect: we don't have skype or similar to click to start a phone call so having to mouse over the number to be able to read it was a nuisance.



Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off


Our dollar amounts are pushing off the edge of the left panel if the insurance is long, the referring clinic name or email address is too long etc.

Is there a way to make sure that the dollar amounts are not pushed off right edge of the panel?



Re: Summary Panel Phone Number cut off

Raised as OVPMS-2625

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