Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary


I've also emailed Idexx about this, but perhaps it is something related to OpenVPMS rather than them.

I would like a link somewhere in the patient medical records summary or documents where you can click on an IDEXX inhouse pathology result and it would then give you another link (could just be the website link) for VetConnect Plus.

My ideal would be for the link you click to take to directly to the patient in VetConnect Plus (not the whole clinic list), but not sure how this would be done.

I've asked Idexx if their PDF could have the link inside the 'print' attachment, but could it be fancier than that and be in the patient summary somehow?

I get this is not that helpful for many people so understand if not worth the effort to investigate/develop, but thought I'd put it out there.


ps. Sorry about the flood of recent posts.

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Re: Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary

Hi Greta,

This is a great idea and something we've been thinking about it for a while.   I think this needs to come from Idexx, but not sure how we'd be able to get the hyperlink?  They'd be a couple of ways to do this.


- JUST a basic HTML link either in the investigation (possibly under the version) or attached to the PDF or somewhere else in the patient summary


- A fully integrated instance of VetConnectPlus.  Ideally this would be as a new TAB on the patient summary.  The tab would link automatically under the tab to bring up the VetConnectPlus page for that particular patient.   Additionally then the VetConnectPlus menu options would also link (two way) into our product list (similar to what we do for SmartFlowSheet billing) so that we can invoice items up from either within OpenVPMS or from within VetConnectPlus and it will produce the submission form online, and submit it electronically to Idexx via the VetConnectPlus interface.  




Re: Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary


- Great idea. Very worthwhile.

- On this note. We would love to have plain text results of IDEXX (and other investigations) in the summary... We spend inordinate amounts of time copying and pasting results. Ideally this would be part of any VC+ integration (or even a project on it's own).

Re: Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary

I've received a reply from Idexx:

This will not likely be a thing we can do, there is a more elegant version of this available to PIMS that we are slowly rolling out, Open VPMS will be on that list, but can’t comment on when it may happen as this PIMS is different to others in the fact it needs to gather funding for upgrades.

The solution is similar to what they are referring to, but it won’t be a link on the attachment but a link in the PIMS for the patient, hard to describe as it only exists in Cornerstone at the moment and I think Neo will get it, other PIMS like ezyVet who are integrated with VC+ have chosen not to implement it.

For now I would say we are trying to get something similar happening, but no time frame or roadmap can really be supplied for it.

So looks like it will be similar to what we'd like, but not sure when.

Re: Vetconnect Plus link in Patient Medical Records - Summary

The last time I looked at VetConnect Plus, it wasn't as straightforward to integrate as other lab services, as it requires the application to display a browser window of VetConnect's own ordering page, so that the user can complete orders.

Ideally we would be able to discover all of the tests available from a VetConnect Plus lab, create Investigation Types for each one, and submit orders without having to go through a new browser window.

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