Wildcard searching for product names when billing

As we get more and more used to google-ish searching we find ourselves telling staff repeatedly about using the wildcard symbol "%" more and more often.


eg. To search for product "AMCLT50 (CLAVULOX)"  with "%clav%"

Some searches in OpenVPMS have the % added to start and finish of the search term by default. 

Could product searches be made one of these?



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Re: Wildcard searching for product names when billing

This is supported via the QueryFactory.properties file: https://www.openvpms.org/documentation/csh/2.2/reference/searching

# Uncomment the following line to make substring searches for products the default.
#product.*                     org.openvpms.web.component.im.product.ProductQuery,contains=true


Its not the default behaviour as on sites with large numbers of products it affects response times.


Re: Wildcard searching for product names when billing

Thanks Tim,

We will run it and see how the system copes.



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