Yes-No to emails

Hi All / Tony,

We have a problem with some clients wanting to give us their email address should we wish to contact them, but they do not wish to receive newsletters by email, which we want to be our method for delivering emails. Is there somewhere to record this where it can appear on the Customer Activity Export Report? Or is there a better way of achieving this goal.



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Yes-No to emails

Hi Glen,

The only current way of doing it is to utilise an opt-in approach (no one gets one if they haven't told you yes).  That is to create a customer classification called say "Newsletter" and then add this to customers who want to receive the newsletter.  The Customer Export Report includes a Classification filter which you can utilise for this.  Adding a new Classification is simpel , just goto Administration ->Lookusp and say New -> Customer Type.

If you want an opt out approach (everyone gets ones unless they tell you otherwise) it is a little trickier as you will need to add a classification that would exclude not include that customer.  Not currently possible in the current report.

If you are talking specifically about people with emails not getting a newsletter by email but still want by mail then also trickier.  Would require some addiitonal report parameters to exclude the email address in the output if they are in a specific classification maybe ?? or possibly outputiing the classifications so you cna decide in the mail merge application ??





Yes-No to emails

Hi Tony,


Where does New Customer type appear on the customer page - is it equivalent to their customer 'Categories' tab?



Yes-No to emails

Hi Nick,

Yes.  When you edit a customer and go to Categories tab you will see it as a selection available in the left hand selection box.



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