
Project will now be part of an official release.

Dispensing Notes

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

Original forum:



The idea was very simple. When the label dialog appears, a small amount of text appears somewhere in the dialog. This text is set within the Product description and can be what ever the user desires.
For example;
- Dose rates
- Warning
- Billing rules

Streamlining invoicing

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 


Original forum:



It was suggested that the current invoicing flow could be significantly streamlined. Below are the two suggestions made that I can recall. Jump in and give us your opinions, suggestions, support or additional ideas for streamlining invoicing.


Final Requirement:

The following changes need to be made to improve invoice editing:

1. Add 'Completed' and 'In Progress' buttons to the CustomerInvoiceEditDialog

These would set the invoice status to COMPLETED and IN_PROGRESS respectively, and close the dialog

2. Automatically add a new invoice item when creating an invoice

The focus should move to the new invoice item, rather than focus in Notes

3. Added items that are unpopulated are to be deleted on OK/Completed/In Progress

If an added item is unpopulated (i.e all fields are at their default values), then these are

  1. ignored for the purposes of validation
  2. automatically removed from if any of the buttons exiting the editor are pressed

4. Add shortcuts to select the next/previous invoice item

Currently, to switch between invoice items requires either:

  1. selecting them with the mouse in the table
  2. navigating to the table with tab/shift-tab and selecting the item with the arrow keys

Adding keyboard shortcuts to select them would simplify this.
The shortcuts could be attached to buttons Next and Previous, displayed alongside Add and Delete.
Alternatively, they could just be attached to the form, and be documented.
Suggestions for possible shortcuts:

  • Alt-X (next), Alt-R (previous) - these are used by the existing Next and Previous buttons, so are consistent
  • Alt-N, Alt-P (problem with edit dialogs that have Print button)
  • Alt - < (previous), Alt - > (next)

5. Disable the Add button when the current item is incomplete

If an item is incomplete, pressing Add does not add a new item - the click is ignored.
The Add button should be disabled to indicate that addition is not available.

Customer search results remain after selections

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 





This project was cancelled as other development projects removed the need.





This project was cancelled as other development projects removed the need.

This project has been re opened as the solution for products etc did not suit the Customer or Patient workspace.

After discussion, users will have the chance to pledge to this project (15/8/10).

Discussion complete, user(s) were happy with just the "Find Again" option. Previous searches were not required. Has been sent for Devloper review & costing (02/09/10)

Costing complete (07/09/10)


Final Description (02/09/10)

1. Instead of the "Select" button in the Customer workspace, we will have two buttons "Find Again" and "New Search" (or names similiar).
"Find Again" opens the previous search complete with all items in fields. You can modify them, rerun the search by pressing Find (Alt-F) change page, whatever.
"New Search" opens a blank search page just as "Select" does currently.


New Description (25/08/10)

A bit of revision;
As Tim has explained the solution in this Project worked well for the Products and other workspaces but did not suit the Customer search/select dialog.
Therefore the "Customer search results persist" project was reopened.
The idea relates to the circumstance where you enter a search for a customer, find the wrong one, then have to go back and re type all your search parameters again to get the list back.
The solution that has been suggested is as follows:
1. Instead of the "Select" button in the Customer workspace, we will have two buttons "Find Again" and "New Search" (or names similiar).
"Find Again" opens the previous search complete with all items in fields. You can modify them, rerun the search by pressing Find (Alt-F) change page, whatever.
"New Search" opens a blank search page just as "Select" does currently.
An alternative if we wanted prior searches (not just last one), would be to have a list of the previous searches in a drop down box. Pressing "Find Again" would use the search selected from the list.

Previous Description

This is a relatively simple development feature and it arose from the discussion of a new selection box for things like Lookups, Types etc (here).

The development will have customer search results remain between selections. This will allow the user to move to the next customer in the list and avoid the need to have to re type in search criteria such as name and patient. 

The Name, Patient  and Contact boxes would remain emptied, to allow new searches to be started easily.


Customer and Patient Alert changes

Development Project Status: Completed

Project description: 




Due to lack of activity this project has been stalled.

This project has been changed to Under Discussion due to recent interest at the Users Meeting (22/7/10).



1. New Type of Lookup

A new type of lookup (customerAlertType) will be created. This new Lookup will have;

    *  name             : Text that will be plainly in view in the Summary section and new appointment dialog.
    * description      : Text that will only be shown if the alert is clicked on.
    * priority            : A ranking that determines the order that alerts are listed.
    * colour             : Chosen from a family of colours. Each alert type can have it's own colour or users can group different alerts in colour groups.
    * icon (optional) : Either we choose from a family of icons that are preloaded or we can add our own (see below re costing).

Just as we can currently edit, deactivate and create Lookups in Administration->Lookups (eg. Breeds), we will be able to add new Alert types.


These alert types will then be able to be linked to;

a) Customers or Patients

b) Account types

2. Summary Display

In the Summary area there will be either text or icons (see below);

a) If we fund the text option, we will see the Alert type "Name".

b) If we fund the "icon" option we will see the Icon associated with the alert type.

- When either is clicked, it will display the "description" (eg. "Level 1 Account" alert displays dialog "Bad Debt / Do not extend any credit to this customer whatsoever.")

- Alerts will be listed according to a "priority". eg. High priority alerts come first, followed by medium etc This prevents the most important alerts being not immediately visible.

3. New Appointments

In the new appointment dialog the same list of Alert type Names or Icons as described in 2.Summary Display will be shown.

They will have the same behaviour in that if the "Name" is clicked, it will show a dialog containing the Alert type "description".

4. The popup option (removed)

As requested, a popup option has been described and costed but the options are quite detailed.

Given the user interest in this option was conditional and limited in numbers and in the interest of keeping pledging simple and clear, I have removed this option from the current project. I have created a new discussion forum topic here to invite discussion, expressions of support for the popup options described.

4. Costings

a) Text only ($1980)

b) Icons preloaded ($2310)

c) Icons user customisable ($2970)

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Please ensure you indicate the costing option (a,b or c) when you pledge.

Animal age changes

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

This project has two parts;

a) Change the age function so that if the difference between current date and birth date is < 180 days then display in Days or Weeks. Currently it is set at 90 days as of version 1.4.

b) Add the age of the animal as of the visit date to the visit description.




New style of multi selection box for editing lookups, types, organisation, templates, users & products

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 





Funding Breakdown

New workspaces: $910

Next & Previous Buttons: $165


It is hard to find an exact forum for this idea as the need for a multi select list box has arisen in multiple topics.


The idea is to allow the user to create a list then work from that list to edit the indivual items. This project has had quite a bit of discussion from the developers and the current areas it will apply (with filters listed) are;

Product: Archetype, Product Type, Name
Organisation: Archetype, Name
Type: Archetype , Name
Lookups: Archetype, Name
Templates: template type, name
Users: name
Archetypes: name

The list that is returned by the search will remain after editing so that you can return to the list and make another selection.


A sample workspace would work like this:

1. Filter your list by entering Name etc

2. Make a selection and edit.

3. An editor pops up.

4. When you complete your edits and close the editor the list is still there so another selection can be made.


Note that Customer/Patients are not included in this list but that a new development project has been created to get the customer/patient searches persist between selections (Click here to see discussion forum).

Another development project could be created (if users desire it) that would permit "Batch Editing" of customers. This might allow, for example, the addition/deletion to a of a group of customers a particular Identity or Classification. The requirements of such a workspace need input from the users to know what sort of attributes they may want to group edit (Click here to see discussion forum).



Matt C

Minor tweaks 1

Development Project Status: Completed

Project description: 

These tweaks came from the original incarnation of the Reducing the Clicks topic.

Some ideas are listed below, costed and ready for funding. Others are still being reviewed. I will update the project as more features come out of developer review (Edit. 18/8/10).



JIRA: See Below


Now this project is comprised of a number of JIRA's or developer tasks. Several have been reviewed and costed.

When you pledge (as I am sure there will be a torrent of $ flowing for these ones ), just make sure you specify which JIRA number you are giving money for.

The list is as follows (this list can also be found here


JIRA 965 $250 "Invoice" is default in New Charges dialog (Currently 100% funded)

When creating charges in the Customer Charges workspace a dialog pops up titled "New Invoice" and lists 3 options, "Counter Sale", "Credit" and "Invoice".
This should default to "Invoice" and be selectable with Enter key.

A great side effect of this change is that we will be able to use arrow keys in similiar "New" selection boxes.


JIRA 964 $330 Customer & patient fields are filled from a Customer search (Currently 100% funded)

Presently, an appointment's customer and patient fields must be input separately.
However, the customer browser can be used to query customers by name, contact and/or patient.
In the case where the patient was used to query the customer, appointment editing can be simplified by populating the patient field automatically.

(Edit. 19/8/10) An additional feature which is to make the newly selected patient not only present in the new appointment but the current patient in the patient workspace. This added 1 hr to development. ($250-$330).

JIRA 963 $250 Choose the default Highlight option in Schedules and Worklist Views (Currently 100% funded)

In Schedule Views and Worklist Views, have a default Highlight option to prevent having to select it each time you log-in/out.


JIRA 967 $250 Pressing enter in an empty field launches a search dialog. (Currently 100% funded)

This should function the same way as if the search button (i.e the one with binoculars) had been pressed.
The search button (little button with binoculars) will also be removed from thetaken out of the tab order (ie. The order of boxes that you move to if you press the "TAB" button).

This is very important for those of us who like to do as much as possible with keystrokes.

Merging Medical records when another user changes a visit that is being edited

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 




This project seeks to address this issue raised by Amanda & Matt.

"Once the invoice is completed and the receptionist is checking it out, if there is a purchase of an item that is listed as a medication (eg worm tablet or flea control) then this will get inserted into the hx (which is what we want. But if the vet has gone back into the hx to write up the case whilst the receptionist is checking out, then the hx will be lost."


Tony suggested the following:


"One option is to capture this error and then tell the user that the record has been modified by another user and give them an option to Merge the changes. It may even show the changes that have occurred as it may have been that both users have edited the same notes and a merged result may not make much sense."


After this a radical rethink was proposed to change the way that medical records are edited generally.


  1. Direct editing of individual visit entries.  In the Medical Records workspace allow users to double click a medical record entry to edit it.  A dialogue will appear for that entry alone and when saved only that entry is saved and we have no issues with visit locking. To edit the actual visit details double click on the line with the visit and do the same.  Obviosuly if you do this you may get a lock situation but less likely as only usually done to change clinician or status and is a quick edit so less chance of contention with someone else.  Also much less to loose if you do get a lock situation not like loosing all your notes .
  2. Workflow Visit Editing.  The visit edit approach works well for workflow as it needs a visit edit dialogue to work its way through the check-in and consult process.  We could maintain the current visit editing approach here but change the save process so if only changes are made to visit entries only the entries are saved not the visit and therefore get over the majority of locking issues.   My other thought was to change the visit edit dialogue to display the summary instead of the table of visit entries and provide the same double click editing option as above.  The summary woudl be displayed just like the summary tab in the current visit dialogue.  We could make it so the filetr is set to only include the current visit and allow user sto remove the filter so they can see all clinical records, filter by type etc.  Essentially a merge of the current two tabs and changing it so editing is much simpler. 


 The only additional point has been made that if possible, keeping the summary view readable whilst editing through a pop up would be ideal.

Print option in the Visit editor

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

"...I thought of a feature today whilst writing a history for a client and wanted other poeples feedback on it.

From time to time I like to print out a copy of my visit notes and give it to the client. Generally I write the history, OK, then change the date field to just today, then print.

I wondered if it might be possible to have a Print option that prints the current Visit during the edit screen? It would save having to fiddle with Date parameters..."


The specifics would be to add an option to print from the Visit edit dialog. This feature is currently being reviewed by the developers as to feasibility.


This feature has been fully funded and is under development!


Original Forum:


Interactive reminder interval or due date for reminder types

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

Original Forum :



This feature has been costed and now awaits full pledged funding before development can commence (20/1/2009).

This feature is "Stalled" due to not meeting 100% funding pledges.

Original Forum :



This feature has been costed and now awaits full pledged funding before development can commence (20/1/2009).

This feature is "Stalled" due to not meeting 100% funding pledges.

This feature has been restored to "Seeking Funding" due to new pledge.


The idea is to have an option for a reminder type to prompt the user for the reminder due date when creating a new reminder.
This would occur when;
a) A new reminder is created in Patients->Reminders
b) During billing a product which is linked to a Reminder Type.

The default date should be populated from;
a) An expression which includes reference to patient attributes such as age and simple date arithmetic.

A reminder type should be optionally interactive in a similar way that printing templates is.


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