
Project will now be part of an official release.

Streamline Creation of Visit Items

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 


This is an addendum to this project which has already been completed.

Original Project :


Forum :



Currently, to add a visit item (Note, Weight etc) requires:

  1. the parent Visit/Problem to be selected and edited
  2. the item's type selected in the Records tab, and added

This applies to both the patient Medical Records -> Summary workspace, and the "Edit Medical Records" dialog used during Check-in and Consult,

This should be streamlined so that:

  1. A 'New' button is displayed (in Edit Medical Records dialog only - the patient Medical Records workspace already has it)
  2. If a Visit is selected, clicking New brings up a "Select the type of Medical Record to create" dialog with the following options:
    • Visit
    • Note
    • Problem
    • Weight etc
  3. If no Visit is selected, clicking New creates a new Visit and edits it as is the case now
  4. If a Note, Problem, or Weight etc was created, this would automatically be linked to the visit on save.

In addition, the "Select the type of Medical Record to create" dialog should:

  • be keyboard navigable (up and down key)
  • support selection via Enter or mouse click
  • have a default value highlighted. This would be 'Note as it is used the most frequently

Follow-up tasks

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project funding: 

You can either donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button, or you can pledge an amount by clicking here to email your commitment. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then make your actual donation. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.

Project description: 

This project will add work lists to follow up patients.

These can be used to schedule tasks e.g. to call a customer in a day to query how a patient is recovering after surgery.

Follow up tasks can be created:

  • via a Follow Up button, added to the Patient Summary
  • at check-out

Patient Summary Follow-up Tasks


Clicking this will show a dialog that edits a new task for the current patient:

  • the follow-up work list may be selected (see below)
  • the task date defaults to todays date, but may be overridden
  • date shortcuts can be used (eg. 2w)

Follow up work lists

The task editor will allow selection of the follow-up work list. This is any work list linked to the current:

  • clinician (the default)
  • user
  • current practice location

Check-out Follow-up Tasks

A step will be added to the Check-Out workflow to add a follow-up task for the patient, if there are any follow-up work lists defined for the current clinician, user or practice location,

This will display a dialog as above, but provide a Skip option to skip task creation if none is required.

The dialog will be displayed after printing has completed.




Streamline Check-In

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

This project will streamline Check-In tasks so that:

1. Multiple documents may be printed

Currently, only a single patient form may be selected.

This project will replace the "Select Document Template" dialog with a "Print Documents" dialog. A checkbox will be added next to each available document template to indicating if it should be printed.

Printed documents will be added to the patient history.

2. Both patient forms and letters may be selected

Currently, only patient forms may be selected.

This will add support for patient letters, and support prompting for letter parameters.

3. Patient forms and letters may be restricted by appointment schedule and work list.

Currently, all available patient forms are listed.

This project will allow forms and letters to be linked to schedules and worklists. These would be displayed instead.

To support the existing behaviour of displaying all forms, the schedule and worklist archetypes will have a new node "Use default forms", which defaults to true.

If false, then the templates associated with the schedule/worklist will be used.

4. Patient weight prompting may be enabled/disabled

For mobile practices, there is typically no facility to determine the patient weight, so the weight prompt is routinely skipped.

This project will add a "Prompt for Weight" option to the schedule and worklist archetypes. If the option is false for both the selected schedule and worklist, then weight prompting will be disabled. The option will default to true.

5. Worklists are restricted to schedules

Currently, all worklists are displayed when selecting a worklist.

This project will enable worklists to be restricted to those defined by the schedule. This will add two new nodes to the schedule archetype: "Use Worklists", and "Worklists". The "Use Worklists" node will have the options:

  • All - indicates that all worklists may be selected. This is the default
  • None - indicates that no worklist may be selected. This disables worklist prompting at Check-in
  • Schedule - indicates to use the work lists linked to the schedule

The  "Worklists" node will list the worklists that may be selected from when "Schedule" is selected.


Investigation Workspace enhancements

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project funding: 

Pledges can be made by email by clicking here.
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Project description: 


This project will enhance the Investigations Workspace by:

  1. Adding a Customer column
  • This will display the name of the owner of the patient 
  • Clicking on the customer name will switch to the Customers - Information workspace to display the customer
  • Note that it will not be possible to sort investigations on this column
  1. Displaying the customer and patient summary when an investigation is selected
  • This will be displayed on the left hand side of the screen, as per Workflow - Scheduling
  1. Adding an Investigation Type filter
  • This will be a dropdown displaying available investigation types. A single type may be selected.
  • It will include an 'All' entry, indicating to display all investigation types. This is the default
  • Selecting an investigation type will display only investigations with that type
  1. Adding an "Incomplete" status to the Status filter
  • Selecting this will display investigations with status In Progress, Received, Preliminary and Final
  1. Adding a Location filter, to filter investigations by Practice Location
  • This will be a dropdown displaying all Practice Locations.
  • It will include an 'All' entry, indicating to display investigations for all Practice Locations. The current Practice Location is the default.
  • The investigation archetype needs to be updated to include a hidden reference to the Practice Location that the investigation is being performed for
  • The investigation editor needs to populate the Practice Location
  1. Adding edit support
  • When an investigation is selected, an Edit button is displayed
  • Double clicking an investigation edits it
  1. Retaining filter and sort criteria between displays

Currently these are lost when switching from Investigations to another workspace and back.


Macro list popup from hot key

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 


Original forum:



The suggestion is being reviewed by the developers...

This project has been reviewed by the develoeprs and costed! (18/8/10)



The idea is;

Where Macros are able to be used a hot key combination will open a popup dialog containing;

  1. Display a table of macros
    The table would display the code and name nodes of the macros
    By default, it would be sorted on name
  2. Display a large number of macros without requiring scrolling
    Page navigation buttons will be automatically displayed if there are too many macros to fit
  3. Provide a filter to query macros by partial name and/or code
    By default all macros will be displayed (Sweet Ed.)
  4. Be closed by pressing an OK button, or the ESC key

As always,

Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Direct editing of OpenOffice documents - research

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

Original forum:



The original post that kick started this project was:

We are a referral practice and as such frequently use the "patient letter" functionality of openvpms to report to our referring vets.

We use open office as our word processor. Currently the letter is generated by merging the patient data into the writer document and then text from the patient note is cut then pasted into the body of the letter and the letter sent by fax (hylafax server). The document is then discarded as it is too cumbersome to save, then re-attach to the patient file. We can retrieve the documents by search our email confirmations of the hylafax however this is also cumbersome.

Is it possible to automate the file saving process such that the letter will save to the patient's documents section of their medical records as the version that has received the merged data and the text from the patient note?



The current suggested solution is to try and see if there is technology such that documents can be downloaded and edited in openoffice, then have their changes saved straight back to the OpenVPMS database.

The suggestion was being reviewed by the developers...


16th August 2010 Stage 1

Hi everyone,

The developers have been looking at different options for this project and in the end they are keen to assess a tool that may form part of the solution.


So this tool is here It is called Milton and if you are technically minded you can read to your hearts content!

For the rest of us we need to decide if we want this feature enough to ask Tim to evaluate it for our purposes. This process is time consuming and will cost $1980 and may not result in a solution for our use. This is R&D.


Pledges for this evaluation can be made be emailing op_funding[at][dot]au

Setting a default number of copies for a document using the new number of copies

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 





This project is a spin off of this project ( that added a "Copies"  option to the interactive print dialog.

This project seeks to define the default number that appears in this selector based on a new peoperty in the template description.


It is yet to be costed by the developers. Stay tuned.

The feature has been costed


Public pledges can be made to this forum topic or email me directly by clicking here (link only works in the forum).
Development will not commence until fully funded.

Matt C



Allow switching of payment type on finalised payments

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project funding: 

You can donate money to this project by entering the amount above and clicking the 'Add to cart' button. In the Checkout process you can either choose to pay now (via Bank Transfer, Cheque or Pay Pal) or you can pledge the amount by choosing the 'Pledge a payment for a Development Project' method. If you make a pledge, then when we have 100% funding commitments, you will be notified by email and you can then action your payment. Note that development will not commence until all funds are received.

Project description: 

There is currently no way to change a payment type once a payment has been finalised apart from reversing the payment and creating another payment. This is problematic in OTC sales.

This project will provide an option to allow audited editing of payment types, but not amounts on finalised payments, as follows:

  1. Finalised Payments can only be changed if the associated Till Balance has Uncleared status. i.e this won't be an available function after the till has been cleared
  2. Payment item types can be changed for any payment status
  3. Changing of payment item types for Finalised payments is only available to users with admin rights
  4. Payment items can be added or deleted for Finalised payments so long as the total amount doesn't change

A text field stored with the payment that will include a timestamp and username of the person who administratively changed payment types. This only applies after the payment is Finalised. This wil be appended to each time a change is made.

Changing of payment item types will be done by:

  • including a drop-down in the Type column of Items.
  • changing of payment types will result in the payment item being deleted and replaced with a new one of the same amount.



Add Patient Description column to the Customer search results

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 





The idea was to add a Patient Description column to the Customer search results. The specific example given was the following;
Say a customer calls with a wrong Customer name (their boy freind brought the dog in first time but they have forgotten) so you just search the patient name. You get 5 Fluffy's. If you could see the Patient Description, this might making the right selection easier.

It could also potentially make the discovery of duplicate animals more likely (ie. One pet accidentally created for the same owner, address etc etc).


This project has been costed but will not proceed until fully funded.

SMS Project - Reminders

Development Project Status: Completed

Total cost estimate (ex-Tax): 
Project description: 

Add the ability to add SMS reminders as a method of delivery of reminders from within the Reminder configuration if a customer:

  • has a phone contact with a REMINDER classification; and
  • has elected to receive SMS messages.



  • the SMS message will not support token replacement, to avoid exceeding the 160 character limit
  • there has been a request to support reminders by SMS for a specific reminder count (e.g. after the second reminder has been sent). That is out of the scope of this project
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