General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

screen resolution in ver 0.6

[Workflow Module] Scheduler functions

It's great to see the scheduler starting to take shape. just a few comments on some issues that may need to be (or may already have been) addressed: I noticed that if I select a client then go to select an animal it asks me to select from the whole patient list rather than just those associated with that particular owner. Also if I select a new customer off the scheduler and create an invoice the default patient is carried over from the last invoice. What form will the appointment time selector take?

[Administration Module] Product Types

I see that under classifications there is a group called user types under which there are nurse, clinicial and receptionist categories. How can I add individual names to these categories? PeterG

[Customer Module] One invoice per day?

Customer- Charges Is it only possible to have one invoice per day? In other words, if I have an animal in hospital for several days, do we need to create a new invoice each day they are in hospital or is it possible to have items from different dates on the same invoice? Matt

[Customer Module] Invoice printing

Hi Tony, In Customers-Charges-Edit Customer Invoice; I notice when editing an invoice item by clicking on it, then changing it a different item that the list does not reflect the changed item until I move to another screen. This can cause confusion as if I have inadvertantly added a 'None' item entry by clicking on 'Add' before selecting an item, then it appears to the user that despite subsequently selecting an item, this has not been recorded. Matt

[Patient Module] Medical Records: Events and Episodes

Matt asked, was wondering if you could give me your impression of how the event and episodes types might translate into existing medical records such as what we are used to in Netvet? Tony said, Netvet only used dates to distinguish different Medcial Record entries so you can not readily discern groups of entries that belong to the same clinical event. Some systems use visit but this tends to mean more the attendance of a patient at the clinic rather than a delineation of the overall treatment process.

[Customer Module] invoicing

If I create an invoice so that a customer has a balance payable it doesn't appear when I want to receive payments although I can see it under accounts. Is that still a work in progress? Peter

[Patient Module] Date Validation

Tony, It is possible to have a complete time for a medical record episode dated prior to start date. Matt

[Patient Module] Adding histories

When adding histories over time, will they be displayed in chronological order? If I back date entries they seem to display in the order they were entered. PeterG

[Patient Module] Looking for histories

When searching for patient histories and ticking "all" I only get a date range of the current day. If I unclick "all" I get a date selection box which I can't see fully and I can't get the dates to apply to the date range. Is this function still under development?
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