General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

[Product Module] Insurance tab in Products

Was wondering what the "Insurance" tab in Product-Information might relate to? Matt C

[Product Module] batch update of prices based on pricing rules

With the new financial year around the corner we are in the process of updating our prices for next year. One of the features which is terrific in Netvet is the ability to batch update the pricing rates (of which there are 6 ie. Price 1 through 6 for any item) based on the cost price or relative to one of the other prices. In Open VPMS will such batch updating be possible? How many pricing levels/rules will be possible? Matt C

OpenVPMS Web Application Demonstration Login Details

[Customer Module] Date selector and tab key

Hi Tony, Just a small issue of the date selector if called by a keystroke eg. Down key whilst in date field then tabbed out, the date selector doesn't dissapear with the lost focussed until their is a mouse click in anoter field. Matt

[General Discussion] open vpms for referral practice

Hi, Does vpms cater for referral practice. My specific requirements on top of general invoicing and workflow management are: Ability to link a vet and clinic to the animal as well as the owners. Seemless extraction of clinical notes into referral letters/reports that can be faxed directly from the system - exportation of letters in the pdf format. Importation and storage of digital images into the patient file such that they can be included in the referral documentation - images to be permanently attached to the patient file.

[Customer Module] Invoicing: item order

Tony, Is it your intention to have the invoice items list in a certain preordained order (ie consults first, lab tests next, radiol/US next, surgery next, drugs, hosp.)? If not, is it possible to drag & drop the items you've been adding to an invoice after they've been put on? You don't always remember the invoice items in the order you want them to appear. eg enter item no. 7 then drag it so it's between items 3 & 4?

[Customer Module] Invoicing problem

Tony just tried to add a new invoice. Tried to drag the new data box out of the way so I could view what was beneath & it disappeared completely & the screen jammed. Had to shut down the tab on the browser & relog in to the program. When I did, it popped straight to the screen with the invoice on it that I'd tried to move, ready for data entry. What did I do? Mike H

[Customer Module] History of recently viewed clients

How about an easily accessible list of clients whose records have been most recently viewed. Not all the people you need to recontact had appointments & sometimes finding them can be a pain. Was it Mr S A Brown?, S F Brown? Or Braun? etc Mike H

[Subscriptions] subscriptions, what is the total cost?

Looking at the FAQ's on pricing I can see that it will be based on full-time equivalent vets working in the practice. How will this be measured? For instance if I am the principal veterinarian working 55 hours per week and I employ two part time veterinarians who each work 15 hours per week will that be counted as 3 full time equivalents (85 hrs = 2 @ 38 hrs + 9 hrs "part thereof") or 2 FTE's (1 grossly overworked vet + 30 hrs)?

[General Discussion] Finding out what has happened since your last visit

I just thought it was worth mentioning the "View posts since last visit" link in the forums. Along with the color coding of the forum subjects, its a really quick way to drop in and see what has been added since the last visit without fishing through posts you may have already read. Also don't forget to click on the message icon itrself, rather then the subject heading. This will take you directly to the new posts. Matt
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