General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Accessing Laboratory Tests on a Submission Form

I was reviewing the lab submissions templates for non integrated labs 

I was looking at adding tests 

I couldn't work out the correct JRXML to access the 'tests' field 

what I noted was the investigations archetype actually has 2 fields with the same name?

Accessing Laboratory Tests on a Submission Form

I was reviewing the lab submissions templates for non integrated labs 

I was looking at adding tests 

I couldn't work out the correct JRXML to access the 'tests' field 

what I noted was the investigations archetype actually has 2 fields with the same name?

Letterheads - in invoices / statements etc

For some time I have noticed that the letterhead that gets attached to documents is location dependent, but it varies on the users logged in location NOT the location that the document was generated from

I understand that a client may visit 2 locations - 

For documents like invoices the letter head should always reflect the location the document was generated from the one that is associated with the invoice.  

Treatments for in hospital pets

I recently downloaded and installed OpenVPMS as a newbie.  For the most part I really like it but I noticed a glaring omission of a way to setup recurring in hospital treatments and have them post to the invoice at discharge.  The best I can tell is that this has been added through integration with smartflow and vetcheck hospital flow sheets?   I am curious as to why this was not a requested addition to the program itself as opposed to having to integrate it with another companies software.  Would it be possible to fund a project to create this within OpenVPMS itsel

Address Formatting - including Country

Did we ever manage to get to the point that $country could be used in an address format?  
Currently it appears they are linked to a State lookup but not directly available in the address archetype.



Integration with Xero or other book keeping programs

Hi all, 

We currently use Xero for our bookkeeping and often have clients paying by direct deposit. We have to check the bank and then receipt off manually at this stage and would like to see the bookkeeping be integrated into OpenVPMS to improve efficiency. Would anyone else be supportive of this being developed? The less admin we need to do the better. 



NOTIFICATIONS for Blood Results

I have had a chat with Lisa re a EasyVet function that I believe notifies the clinician when Blood results etc hit the system. (I have never personally used EasyVet so I am going off what another vet has told me) 

I guess I am putting it forward as a suggested feature where Open could send a message or flag the VET for easy follow up. Apparently EasyVET sends a notification of some sort…

Anyways food for thought :) 


Thankyou in advance. 

Photo of patient on File in information easily identifiable for reception at admission

can we have a photo in patient information that is easily seen as you open the patients file


Change to Patient Details Archetype

I have a proposal to adjust the patient archetype to include a new field 
Existing Field



Primary Breed


Secondary Breed


The Breed field would become a derived field temporarily making sure we maintain backward consistency


The derivation would be 

"Primary Breed" x "Secondary Breed


Primary Breed 

if econdary breed was none


Lab Results are forever IN_PROGRESS

I noticed today that all our Lab results - whether the are IN house results or VetConnect result.  Have not been marked as COMPLETE since 2022.  

The STATUS is not user editable.  

What defines  a test as COMPLETE ?


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