General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

[Patient Module] After hours centre accessing records

One feature that has been on my mental "wish list" for years is the ability for after hours centres to access patient history at the referring practice (but not financials). This would allow better management of after hours cases that have complex histories or medical regimes. It is probably my key concern in referring after hours cases to other centres. Are there any plans for this feature on openvpms ? (Hope this is the appropriate forum).

[Customer Module] Invoicing

If I want to create an invoice with say 5 different items; consultation, fracture repair, anaesthetic, hospitalisation and analgesia, how do I generate it? I can't see a logical path to go from one item to the next. Is there a chance there will be a drop down list of items with the nearest spelling match as we enter drugs/services?

[Customer Module] patient editing in the customer window

If I am viewing or adding a customer's pets in the customer window and want to edit (or correct) a patient's details from this window I can't do it - I have to go to the patient window and edit from there. Will it be possible to edit patient details from the customer window in the future?

[Patient Module] searching for a patient

I notice that when I am searching for a patient that unless I tick "all patients" I don't get a result even if I put in a known patient name. Also can I put in wilcard characters e.g. *beauty or bo* ? PeterG
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