General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Logging in to OpenVPMS Web App for first time

Hi There:

I followed Tony's instructions to get the database setup for MySQL on FreeBSD. That went good. However, now that I'm trying to sign in to the app for the first time, it's not letting me in.

I get the logon dialog box, I put in "admin" (without quotes) for both username and password, but the prompt just keeps coming back to me.

Here's the ourput from my catalina.out file:

Installing on FreeBSD...


Just wondering if anyone has tried installing this on FreeBSD 7.0 RELEASE?

We have Tomcat5.5, Mysql 5.0.33, Sun JDK 1.5.0_13 running on a FreeBSD Machine and I can't seem to figure out how to get the database loaded.

If anyone has any experience or installation instructions, I would appreciate your help....


Fred Schnittke

Enumerated Parameter fields in Reports

I was wondering if anyone knew if it was possible to have the parameter fields in a report ....

"Parameter Field: A data field that the user is asked for prior to running a report"

...that would be populated from a list within OpenVPMS?

eg. A clinician report which looks at an individual clinican. The clinician in question is chosen from a drop down list containing the active clinicians in OpenVPMS from within the report dialog. Product sales reports as well etc etc.

re users/subscribers

Hi Jim and List, Sorry I haven't responded to the nudge from Matt. We have 19 subscribers currently. Some of these are using OpenVPMS, some have it installed and are test-driving it and some are supporting the project with the intent to install in the future. Tony will know how many installed sites there are at the moment - these will be a mix of subscribers and those who intend to subscribe soon.... Peter _______________________________________________ OpenVPMS User Mailing List To unsubscribe or change your subscription visit:

OP incompatability with Version 2.0.5 I Reports

Hi everyone, Just in case someone is trying this - I downloaded Version 2.0.5 of IReports today and attempted to use it to edit some reports. The extent of the incompatibility is that OpenVPMS is unable to upload the resulting .jrxml doc into a template ("Failed to read [doc name]"). However if under Options->Compatibility menu you choose 1.2.5, save your new docuemnts in this format, it should allow you to upload the resulting doc into templates.

Some user feedback

I have been using OPENVPMS for six months since opening a new clinic. Overall, the experience has been fantastic and I have not had one lost second to software or hardware glitches. I would like to make the following software refinements based upon our experience. 1) When the patient page is selected with a view to selecting another patient's record (alt "t" then alt"l") it would decrease a mouse click of the active focus was within the search box presented.

Advanced Scheduling - Working Group

There has been a great deal of interest in adapting the scheduling information already present in the OpenVPMS application into a graphical format and enhancing its functionality. OpenVPMS is looking for interested parties who wish to participate in a working group to develop the existing Scheduling specification. I personally invite all interested practitioners to participate in this working group.

Linux installation experience and printer problem

After assistance from Tony we now have OpenVPMS running on our existing linux server: I followed howto's from the SME site to load the following on our SME 7.3 server:: Tomcat 5.5.26 JDK from the Sun site We already had already had MySQL 4.1.20 and phpMyAdmin installed

How many users ?

For interests sake, is it possible to know how many active users of this vet software ? I love it

No reminder

Some clients request no reminder (aged totally indoor cat, or relative who is a vet and does vaccinations, etc). It would be nice to actually have "No Reminder" in the reminder field. How can I set this up ?
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