General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Consult Add/Delete Error

Has anybody else seen this problem - After adding items to a consult and then deleting one or more it refused to save and a red error box comes up ( I'll copy it next time). The solution so far has either been cancelling and re-consulting or sometimes deleting one or more items then adding them again.

It pays to watch your staff or Super-Fast-Typing behaviour

I watch a receptionist the other day furiously belt out a series of key strokes. Collecting the small pieces of broken black keyboard plastic I enquired as to why she must strike with such vigour so suddenly.

She answered that in order to get the drop down box (eg.species) to accept more then one letter she must type very fast. She said she could get two letters in most times. I had thought it only ever accepted one letter. It got me thinking that the drop down boxes have a keystroke timer applied to them.

Is that true and if so can it be extended?


Reprinting Reminders in V1.2 Beta2

Morning All,

We are having a problem reprinting reminders in OpenVPMS V1.2 Beta2. When you click on REPRINT you receive the following message:

"An application error has occurred. Your session has been reset."

You are then returned the first screen you get when you log in. We can generate and print reminders successfully and can also test print an individual reminder. This error occurs consistently each time we try to reprint. Printer is definitely online, has paper etc and is able to successfully receive other print jobs from OpenVPMS.

How to reset an account


I 've made some "tests" with a acccount of a customer. Now, I'd like to remove all the datas I've put inside and to start "from scratch".
Is it possible ?



new graphical demonstration

Just checked out the new graphical scheduler - very nice, i like the automatic blocking off of multiple appointment times alot!
I was wondering though, at my clinic we do tend to have clients that prefer particular vets. With the graphical scheduler any notes that are written re the appt, which for us includes the preferred vet to see do not appear as eye catching, rather as something that needs to be moused over. This is fine for notes and such, but will it be possible to have the preferred vet initials to show up without needing that mousing over?

Thanks :-)

Ordering/Delivery workspace -error message



I have been fumbled my way through inputing stock items and today have tried entering an order. This worked great but and I am now at acknowledging a delivery.  I can get my order up as a delivery and tick the various items delivered but clicking the apply or OK box results in an error message.

   FAILED TO SAVE DELIVERY An internal application error has occurred.


Is this section functional as yet. If so what could be my problem.


Database Query/Search

I am really missing my ability to search the database for patients I hae seen and would like to follow up. It would be great to be able to search for certain consults or patients without having to know the name of the client/patient. All to often I think "I need to call the owners of that black cat I saw 3 weeks ago and see why it hasn't come in for its surgery". Currently if I don't know its name or the owners name my only option is to search through the schedule and see if I recognise the booking.

How to search for customers of an "Account Type"

Hi Matt,
I am trying to create a list of customers of an "Account Type" for a Christmas card list. I am unsure how to create this, any help would be great. Cheers Gill.
Montrose Vets.

Header Check Error when printing


I have been through the installation of OpenVPMS 1.2 a couple of times successfully but now have a problem in that when I try to print anything I get a "header check" error message! I have had a successful implementations but can not seem to replicate it?

Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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