General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Reminder Run Failure


When printing a set of reminders, and we have a hardware or other failure, what's the correct recovery procedure? It appears that all the reminders have been marked as sent, even though they didn't print. They were spooled, but never came out... and we've now lost the run. I'm getting geared up to go back into the database and try to manually reset all of the reminders. When this happens, is there some way to tell the system to not update the status on those reminders?

Improvement: Make Ivestigations workspace more workable.


When an investigation recieves a new report via the docloader its status is updated to recieved. 

The default view here however is IN PROGRESS...I would argue that most vets arent worried about the ones yet to arrive they want to deal with the ones that have been recieved. Thus could we change the default view to "RECIEVED"

Minor Improvement: make a NOTE optionally with each till clearing event.

I would like the ability to place a NOTE with each "clearing of the till" particularly if there is a descrepency with the float.  So we record why a descrepency occured - or the fact we have NFI!

Seconders anyone I dont think this is a big improvement.!!

OTC SALES Final Payment Windows

In the OTC Sales workflow when you reach the final payment window it displays the invoice value as 0.00

I suspect this is because OTC and Invoice are 2 similar but different archetypes...and this window only sums the invoice archetype..


The owing balance is correct, but my receptionist pointed out the 0 value to me (this was is 1.6beta3 not the release.



Re: Completed alerts showing up on patient panel

Thats an oversight. Currently the status is used to determine if an alert
should be displayed; the end date is ignored.

I've raised this as OVPMS-1282 [1]



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How do you print a product price label?

Hello all,  apologies if this seems like an easy question.


I want to print a price label for each product on our shelves (NB this is not all products in our catalogue, just ones I select on our shelves).


What is the easiest way to do this?



Running and Exporting Email/Client id Reports

Hi All,

Can anyone please tell me - How do you get a report listing clients email addresses and the corresponding client i/d number and then supposing this can be dione, how do you then merge them into a spead sheet?




Re: SMS log

Currently I dont think OPVPMS logs it Greta however, because sms's are sent
using email, your sent email will keep a copy, as should the SMS provider you


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SMS log

We are using the SMS system quite a bit now. I'm wondering if its possible to have the SMS that is sent to be recorded somewhere. For example, if a SMS is sent a copy of it is logged in the documents or notes somewhere so other staff can refer back to it.

Re: Orders and Deliveries

Hi Ben

All items in a Delivery need to be linked to a product (via the supplier
stock code).  I would add freight as a product as you will have this on each
delivery and this also allows you to see the invoice total on your paper
invoice matches your delivery invoice.

Regarding the Invoice Supplier option, just cancel.  Im not 100% sure but I
think this was set up originally so you could pay your supplier for that
delivery but dont know any practices who do this.


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