General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

new clinic


I am new to open VPMS for our clinic and am having trouble confirming my account sees me as an 'administrator', so that I can properly load up the open VPMS software on to the computers...can anyone help me with this- we open on Monday!



Demo & JIRA system down (as at 31/12/12)

This post is only to let the administartors know that the demo and JIRA systems appear to be down and have been for a couple of days.  I am getting a 502 Proxy error when attempting to access them.  Full error text is below.  Regards (and Happy New Year), Tim

Entering Names when there are two part ners


processing and sending out reminder letters and some of the addresses look a
bit weird when the clients are for example "Miss and Mr Rosie and Shane Crook
and Scurra."

(Miss Roasie Crook and Mr Shane Scurra)

Is there a way of having just one neame and soewhere to put the partners

Entering Names when there are two partners


processing and sending out reminder letters and some of the addresses look a bit weird when the clients are for example "Miss and Mr Rosie and Shane Crook and Scurra."

(Miss Roasie Crook and Mr Shane Scurra)

Is there a way of having just one neame and soewhere to put the partners name. Be great of on searching it automatically picked upthe partners name (if the patner books an appointmant).

How do users handle this situation?



Customer Marketing Report

Hi all,

Just wondering if anyone is still using this report and finds that it returns clients with deceased pets.  These pets are not necessarily inactive, they may have been marked as deceased but not inactive..

I was attempting to tweak the SQL statement to get it to excluded deceased pets but no luck this is the original sql.

Invoices printing issue

Hi all,

I am having an issue with our invoices. I think it has been happening since the upgrade, but I'm not sure. It doesn't happen every time (I'm not sure because I'm not a receptionist), but from what I gather, it is when they go through the check-out process.

I am getting two invoices printed on check out. One has the items on it and one has no items.

The correct one "Invoice" is a jrxml document which I want to print on check-out.

Document Input Fields - Order of prese ntation in Openvpms

Does anyone know how to regulate the order of presentation in Document Input
fields...for Letters ?

We have a few documents with around 15-20 input fields when they are
generated.....the order seems completely random. 

For those in development, it was suggested that opening the Letter template
(odt) file as an archive (did you know that ODT files are actually an
archive!) and looking at the context.xml file you would see the order...but
that is not correct.

Document Input Fields - Order of presentation in Openvpms

Does anyone know how to regulate the order of presentation in Document Input fields...for Letters ?

We have a few documents with around 15-20 input fields when they are generated.....the order seems completely random. 

For those in development, it was suggested that opening the Letter template (odt) file as an archive (did you know that ODT files are actually an archive!) and looking at the context.xml file you would see the order...but that is not correct. The OOO java  api must parse the fields to OPVMS which then gerenates the display window

Maximum Length 'act.patientClinica lNote.1.0'


Is there a way to increase the maximum length of the clinical note?

Maximum Length 'act.patientClinicalNote.1.0'


Is there a way to increase the maximum length of the clinical note? I am not sure what the actual maximum length is, but I have ours set to 4500.

When I have tried to increase the max length to 10000, I get the error:

Could not execute JDBC batch update; SQL [insert into act_details (act_id, name, type, value) values (?, ?, ?, ?)]; nested exception is org.hibernate.exception.DataException: Could not execute JDBC batch update

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