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Completed alerts showing up on patient panel


Here's another question/potential bug.

We're using alerts to track whether or not someone is in collections. BTW, I've written a report that pulls this information out of the DB as well -- will share once I smooth it out a little.

It appears that when I mark the end-date of the alert, it continues to appear on the left side of the screen. Please see attached screenshot.

Cheers, Paul

Setting up reminders to be sent only via Email


I wish to set up reminders in OPV to be sent via email.

I have set an email address in Practice and Practice location and set the use to "reminder"

I have input my smtp settings under practice location and verified that OPV can sent emails to customers from their "contact details" tab.

I have created a Template for a reminder email with "no print" selected and input text in the email subject and body fields.


Re: Reminders Statistic Report

The reminder report is pretty easy

Each reminder can store the following

1. When it was created.

2. How many have been sent (it increments when you do a reminder run that
reminder is valid for)

3. Whether it was "COMPLETED" or "CANCELLED". and the DATE it was COMPLETED.


Reminders Statistic Report


I am wanting to use the reminders statistic report to track the success rate of our reminders. I was wondering how the output data is collected and organised in the report so as I can interpret the results. Does the report look at which clients have been sent a reminder and then if they have then been invoiced in that same period for whic the report has been run?? It seems most of the data I get when I pull a report for a certain month appears in the 'No reminder sent column'??


Many thanks in advance,


Re: Consult workspace invoice bug

The invoice is selected as follows:

1. Look for invoice items linked to the current patient visit.

    If there are any, return the associated invoice. Use non-Finalised
invoices in any; or

2. Look for the latest In Progress invoice for the customer; or


Consult workspace invoice bug

It looks like sometimes the consult workspace is pulling the wrong invoice to work on. In the case of the the attached screenshots, it's actually pulling a finalized invoice, even though there's a non-finalized one available. This problem appears to be intermittent. This is running on version 1.6 (4930)

Cheers, Paul

Re: Best contacts for OPEN VPMS

Hi Rod,


Tony works via Vertical Connect.


If you cannot contact him this way email me at

a d r i a n . s i m o n @ e a s t s i d e v e t s . c o m .

Re: Referral Vet Email Linked to Email add resses

Hi Adrian, We would definitely be interested in supporting this project. I am
heading overseas for a year, but Sam Snelling will contribute to the funding
if its a goer. Greta

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Referral Vet Email Linked to Email addresses

Hi All,

As a referral facility it would be very useful to have the email of the referring vet linked to the patient email function.

That is when we hit the email button the email address associated with the referring vet associated with that patient would appear in the drop down "To" field.

From the JIRA it seems this would be a relatively easy modification. Wondering if anyone else is interested in having this implemented?



Orders and Deliveries

So wierdly after months of setup issues I discovered our inbox was finally working with our supplier ie we were recieving delivery notices.

My question

When I recieve a delivery say for lets say 9 products

5 of them are linked to products on our system

1 is a flyer that our supplier has sent listed with a 0 cost line item

1 is frieght

1 is a in hospital use item I never charge out

1 is a new product

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