General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Messaging system

Well it is great to have the improved messaging system in 1.6 but we are a bit surprised that we cannot date the message - for example, I see a dog today and want the nurses to call them in 2 days to see how he is and to schedule xrays if no better. It seems to us logical just to have messages that are due today to come up today?  Thanks Anna

Re: Check in process

We too are having problems adjusting to the new system. Not so much in having
a second entry line, but more so of having the Visit line sometimes "In
Progress" and other times "Completed". Again we cannot find why. We thought
that starting the Invoice through the Summary and not completing the lnvoice
would leave it "In Progress" - but sometimes it goes to "completed". Also
when the patient is checked in, sometimes the Visit line says "completed" or
"in Progress' when the vet starts the consult by clicking in

Check in process

Since upgrading to the new 1.6, our check in process seems to be problematic. We are getting a second entry line on the same day with a "No Reason". I suspect that it has something to do with entering the weight, but I can't be sure. This is the sequence we are using:

1. Click on Check In. OK.

2. Select Waiting Room. OK.

3. Weight - enter new weight or keep previous weight. OK.

4. Document template - SKIP.

5. Visit - Either OK or EDIT or NEW NOTE. OK.

Report First birthday

Is it possible to write (or is there already) a report for First Birthday for pets ?

We would love to send new kittens and puppies a first birthday card.

Top sales report (by $ and by volume)

Top selling products by $ sales - ie $ value

Top selling products by volume sales - ie number of individual sales of a product

A basic principle of retailing is to always have stock of your top products. This means "walk in" and "impulse" buys are maximised. We need to know this data to determine best stock control levels. Is there a current report or is it possible to write them ?

Re: Patient Insurance report

No, although it should be straight forward for your implementer to provide

There is a project under discussion at present to improve OpenVPMS' handling
of patient insurance.

You can find it here:

Please add any comments, so it can be finalised and costed.


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Re: *BUG* Issue with re-consulting a clien t on the same day ...

This is a bug in the Visit selection criteria. On Check-In, it is selecting a
Visit linked to a finalised invoice, rather than creating a new one.

As a workaround, try creating a new Visit prior to performing Check-In.



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Patient Insurance report

Is there a report I can run to see how many patients I have on the books that are insured? We currently use a Patient Alert "Insured" to flag those patients which have it.



*BUG* Issue with re-consulting a client on the same day or following day

When we have a client booked in one day (they have been consulted, receipted and checked out) and then they come in again the next day or 2 days later or even that same afternoon for a follow up visit, when we try and invoice, the system will not let us! It still has the last invoice sitting there as if it hasnt been finalised, yet it says it has been finalised! Really really strange. :(  please help :)

removing the mailman mailing lists

Hi all,

Does anyone have any objections to the mailman mailing lists being removed? They cause alot of hassle and issues and their functionality has largely been replaced by subscribing to posts to a forum or one of the forums in general and just following the link in the email to go directly to the thread if you want to have your say. 

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