General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Gribbles Submission form


I know a number of OpenVPMS users have been having issues with strange table breaks on the existing Gribbles submission form.  It causes a space between the header and the clinical information area and makes the form print on two pages.  I have investigated and believe I have rectified with the attached form.  

Note this forms does fill in practice details automatically and the request id from the investigation as well.

If you can report back on how it works for you that would be good.

Cheers Tony

Email alerts


Is there a way to have the emails that are sent directly from OpenVPMS and do not go through alerted somewhere? Do I need to set up an email address within OpenVPMS that would receive a carbon copy of all emails sent, or at least receive the bounced back emails.



Versions of Documents


Could someone please explain the use of versioning of documents to me?

I just started playing around with this and sort of see the point, but at the same time it seems this could be much more useful if the letter fields were pre-populated with the entries from the previous version...



Client numbers

Hi everyone, I was wondering if anyone can help me find the following information. I need to access total client numbers for any particular financial year. I can find new client numbers and the total client numbers on our files currently, and invoice numbers but not actual client numbers?

client discounts


we are trying to set up discounts for senior clients. In setting up the discount under discount type (ADmin, types), even though we choose "fixed" discount & put the dollar amt in the "percentage" box (as can't see where else to enter the fixed amt) it only seems to apply a 10% discount.

We are wanting to add a discount to a product "consult"

THanks for the help,


Auto price update for same product but from different suppliers

Dear all OpenVPMS users,

Does anyone commonly order their stock (including medications and pet
products) from more than one vet wholesalers? Recently we added a second vet
wholesaler and we found the list price of the same products differs between
the two suppliers. We always input our deliveries into OpenVPMS for inventory

Auto price update for same product but from different suppliers

Dear all OpenVPMS users,

Does anyone commonly order their stock (including medications and pet products) from more than one vet wholesalers? Recently we added a second vet wholesaler and we found the list price of the same products differs between the two suppliers. We always input our deliveries into OpenVPMS for inventory control. So when the 'Auto Price Update' function is ticked under each product for both suppliers, the sale price will be updated accordingly.

OpenVPMS demo updated to 1.6-beta-3

Hi all,

I've updated the OpenVPMS online demonstration to 1.6-beta-3. You can access it here.

To see the details of whats changed since 1.6-beta-2, please see this post.

To see all changes that will be available in the final 1.6 release, see the release notes.



New startup - use Open VPMS or not?


Am a newbie at setting up my own startup vet service. Planning to run a mobile service and was looking in to web-based vet programs which are mostly too steep to commit to. How does OpenVPMS compare to these other programs?

I am very much a novice at the finicky computer stuff so having to download MySQL, JAVA, Tomcat etc on to my Mac and not really understanding what's going to happen is rather daunting.

Any comments? Suggestions?



Running Patient Activity Export Report


I would like to start generating Senior Pet Check reminders, but need a list of patients to be generated off my system to get started.

My requirements are that the cat/dog must be >7yrs as off now and have had any vaccination 6 months ago (within a 2 weeks time frame, ie. how often we do our reminder letters). I have linked an interactive reminder to vaccinations from now but they will take 6m to have effect so would like to manually generate reminders using the above parameters to collect those patients who would be due for a senior pet check.

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