General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Product Type -> Invoice Sort Order

I've just realised (yeah a bit slow, I know) that v1.5 offers "Invoice Sort Order" as a field under Product Type in Administration - Types (actually I was fiddling about with v1.6b2 and then found that the feature had been implemented in v1.5.1).

medication instructions not appearing on history print-outs



Just finalising our submission to asava for ahc accred and have just noticed
that none of the dispensing instructions for medications appear on the
history when you print them.


This is a real problem as we have to also send histories to insurers and
other vets from time to time.


Why is this so?!?!?!?!!?

medication instructions not appearing on history print-outs



Just finalising our submission to asava for ahc accred and have just noticed that none of the dispensing instructions for medications appear on the history when you print them.


This is a real problem as we have to also send histories to insurers and other vets from time to time.


Why is this so?!?!?!?!!? It's a big problem and can't believe it hasn't been discussed/fixed.



Legality Of OpenVPMS CAR Microchip Sub scription Forms

Last week, I had a visit from a member of the Victorian Department of Animal
Welfare performing an audit on our microchip procedures and documentation. 

Inter alia, I was informed that the Central Animal Records (CAR) microchip
subscription forms generated by OpenVPMS did not conform to the Act as it was
a requirement of the Act that these forms must be completed in the
handwriting of the owner or his/her agent.  I had never heard of this
requirement before, and, as it doesn't appear on the forms CAR originally
provided, I spent last night reading the Act and the Regulations that govern
the o

Legality Of OpenVPMS CAR Microchip Subscription Forms

Last week, I had a visit from a member of the Victorian Department of Animal Welfare performing an audit on our microchip procedures and documentation. 

ID of -1 if a form is a letter

I've been using the ASAP lab request form downloaded from the "shared resources" section to send off with appropriate samples. I have it loaded as a Patient Form in OV and it works fine.

Never one to leave well enough alone, I thought I'd add an input field to the Clinical History section so that I could copy/paste the clinical history and then edit as required. This was the only change I made to the ODT file. Of course this meant changing the form's classification in OV from a Patient Form to a Patient Letter (because you can't edit a field in a form, can you?).

Unable to Login for the 1st time



I have successfully installed everything and I am trying to login to v 1.5 for the first time as admin as the user & admin as the password, but it doesn't work. Any help is greatly appreciated.

Reminder Statistics Report

Hi Everyone,

Just a note to say that I found an issue with the Reminder Statistics report.  It was not reporting any reminder with a reminder count = 3.  This has been rectified so I suggest anyone using this report updates it from

Cheers Tony

Company Name and ABN on Invoices

It has beaten me  how to get the Practice name and  ABN  to print on invoices , receipts etc ,  I have looked up reports  in OpenVPMS  files  but I am unable to  work out the html document to work out  how it is inserted. 

Is there somewhere when setting up that I should have  put this information in  so it is inserted into the documents? 

I am good with ODF files to edit but  not the others  which  must require  more  complicated fields.

Back up

Last week  our computer crashed -  powered off while booting up,  and when we turned on again  we could not get into OpenVPMS.  We had been backing up  the data as  suggested but  it turned out that the MySQL files were corrupted and  therefore  unable to start OpenVPMS .  My son ( who is a programmer and open source developer)  spent 36 hours looking for way to re-establish the database unsuccessfully.  He  commented that the backup for  the software  requires to be far more extensive than recommended  and

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