General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Messaging System in Open

Hi - I am very frustrated with the messaging system in open.


I would like to find out how much would it cost to improve the system.


I would like to be able to

1.  message multiple people in the clinic

2. be able to edit a message and then forward

3. like to know as I am typing how many characters I have left


Maybe the problem is with us but how does everyone communicate with each other!


Thanks, Anna

Changing the age limit



At our practice, we see a lot of birds, many of which are quite old.

The age limit on the patient screen is only 42 years (the oldest bird that we treat is 64, but the oldest that we have treated was 76 years old, owned by a man of 84 who had had the bird since a boy). 

Can you please change the age limit. 



Sort Order Issue


Not sure if this is deliberate or an accident but when we are in the Customers -> Information screen and try to sort patients by Details the sort order is not very sensible.

If you click "details" to sort it orders by the first number of the date, rather than a sensible date order (i.e. year, month, day)...

Basically if you are trying to order patients by date of entry then instead of getting:





You get:




User password change

Am I correct in thinking that a (normal) user cannot change their own password - this has to be done by an Administrator?

Or have I missed something?

--please remove this post--

Sorry - I created this post and then realised that what I said was totally incorrect.  Apologies


I have not found a report that:

Finds a patient who has not had a product or service in a certain time period and that is then exportable with all the appropriate client / patient mail merge  / email details

Has anyone got such a report or have any ideas on how to mine this sort of information?



Customer ID on Patient Letter


Is there any way to get a document to have the customer ID and patient ID on the same document?



Re: Medical records and the upgrade

Make that:

On 11/09/2012 12:40, Peter gooey wrote:
> Sorry everyone,
> I should have included the link to the project here:
> Peter
> On 11/09/2012 12:31, wrote:
>> Quite a number of you have made comment about the need for a more
>> logical way
>> of ordering histories in the summary tab and this is your
>> opportunity to
>> have the changes incorporated into version 1.6 which will be released
>> in beta
>> form very soon.

Ideas for 1.6

Hi Tony

I know that you are trialing 1.6 but I had a few ideas and not sure if too late or too hard to implement or just silly.....


1. It would be good to have the weight of the patient easily accessible when doing estimates and also have the estimate linked to a vet so we can see who did the estimate


Status of the 1.6 Upgrade

Hi All,

I know that there are a few sites currently running and testing the 1.6 Beta-2 upgrade so I am wondering if they would be prepared to share their feedback on the changes and new features it includes.  

The new Integrated Visit Editor is a significant change so I am keen to make sure it is working as expected before releasing the final 1.6 version.

Cheers Tony

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