General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Final Question for the Users:

How do you create medication monitoring reminders?  

My way was to create a 0 value invoice item that I apply when I want to monitor medication.  I then attach a medication reminder.  I name the invoice item to identify the type of testing or medication I am monitoring for.

How do you do desexing reminders? 

This is currently manually set when i first see a pup, would be much easier if it was automated.


Anyone else?

Transfer of Pet Ownership - tracing ow nership

I occassionally have a need to transfer a pet from one owner to another.
 The way this seems to currently be accomplished is to Edit the patient, add
the new owner under the owner tab, then delete the old owner.  

The ability to set an end date doesnt appear to apply?

Transfer of Pet Ownership - tracing ownership

I occassionally have a need to transfer a pet from one owner to another.  The way this seems to currently be accomplished is to Edit the patient, add the new owner under the owner tab, then delete the old owner.  

The ability to set an end date doesnt appear to apply?  Or when you try you get a validation error?

Anyone else experience this or have a solution, I would love to be able to trace a pets ownership rather than requiring my memory.

Business Analysis Project

I have seen in the past several discussions regarding the above and also prodcing reports that will fulfill the needs of AVPMA chart of accounts or MPV management reports.

Can you please advise whether this has stalled, is under development etc.

It would be very useful to get such reports available to the community but I would imagine there would need to be some compromises needed to make it affordable.



Banking summary

Hi there,

Being fairly new to OpenVPMS I'm hoping I can get some help. Is there a report which I can run monthly to give a daily breakdown of cash and EFTPOS/CC (combined) takings. This info is given at the bottom of our daily banking summary but was hoping that Open could generate a report saving my staff having to create a spreadsheet by themselves to collate this, saving double handling and potential incorrect entries.




Kinross Vets

max slots for worklists


We use one of the worklists for our cattery bookings, and recently I set a maximum number of slots for the worklist to match the number of cages we have in the cattery.

I set maximum slots to 18 and in the trial run, when I tried to add a 19th patient, it gave me a message saying it couldn't add another booking.

Pet birthdays


Our vet clinic is looking at sending out birthday cards to pets and I was wondering

if there is a way to search patients by their D.O.B?

Any ideas?



Idea: Discounts and Invoicing

Uncommonly during invoicing I may want to apply a specific percentage discount to a product.  At this time you need to use a calculator to calculate the discout then enter the exact discount into the item. 

It would be nice if the system detected percentages say by detecting % sign.  and then performed this automatically


10% will apply a $1.00 discount to a $10 product?

Any thoughts or am I missing something


Aged Debtor Report


I'm trying to get an Aged Debtor Report for a past date, is this possible?

I can run the Aged Debtor Report but it only gives me the figures for the day I run it. So, if I want the report for the last day of the month it appears I have to physically run the report on the last day of the month.

I can run the Customer Balance Report that will give us the number of debtors and a balance, but it's not aged and I can only seem to get this report on the date an account/statement run has been processed.

Win 7 network printers not seen by OpenVPMS

Environment: OpenVPMS 1.5.1 running on Win 7, printers connected to Vista system and shared.

Problem: the shared printers are visible from the Win7 machine (ie show in the Devices & Printers list, and can be printed to by normal programs), however they do not show up in the OpenVPMS printer list.

The two cropped screen shot images attached to this post show the problem.  NetworkPrint1.png shows the list of printers that OpenVPMS thinks is available.  NetworkPrint2.png shows Window's list - the last and 3rd last are the two network shared printers.

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