General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Workflow question - mark invoices as complete & stay in visit?

I'm not sure if this is a limitation of my understanding, or of the workflow in OpenVPMS.

When in the Edit Visit screen (from the Consult button on the Scheduling) is there a way to mark the invoice as Completed, but leave the Edit Visit screen open so I can finish writing the history? At the moment, if I want to mark the Invoice as completed (to save me getting off my a$$ and walking to reception) it closes the Edit Visit window, so I need to click back into it again.

Prescription expiry merge field

I'm wanting to call the prescription expiry field for a prescription document - just wondering if there is an in-build merge field or if it is possible to create a custom merge field for this. We regularly generate prescription documents which can call the product, quantity etc but I can't find one for the expiry.


Why are customer alerts in Administration - Lookups, but patient alerts in Administration - Types? Is there a reason, or just usual human behaviour?

Linking Products Setup (and a feature request)

Thanks in advance for any guidance.

I'm struggling to get a good workable solution to being able to "link" a product to the stock control of another, to be able to sell it in different ways. (Link is how Cornerstone described it, which is where I have come from, so I'll stick with that term for the moment).

The problem I'm trying to solve is selling a product in different presentations which still allows for accurate stock control AND is easy & obvious on the invoices / estimates.

Email Footers At Checkout

Hello everyone,

I am using version 2.1.3 and I am trying to get a relatively simple email footer to work when we check patients out. Usually at this point the system is attaching the invoice for the services.

I have tried many different ways but can't seem to get it to merge fields correclty. What I have tried so far is;

A Libre Office .odt document written in DejaVu Sans font that reads;

Dear [openvpms:get(party:getPatientOwner(.),'firstName')],


Suggestion: Print log


Would be great if when you print a document there was a record of when it was printed and where to. Likewise if it had been emailed to someone (without having to trawl though a bunch of emails or communication records to see if that document was attached)

Not a biggie. Just would be convenient to have that information to hand.


NB. Also in my mind it was somewhere attached to that document. So you could see it at a glance in the documents tab.

Automated load of new client email to MailChimp subscriber list

Is this possible currently? Or a project for the future - and if the latter what development costs?

Alternatives to SmartFlow

Are there any alternatives to SmartFlow that currently integrate with OpenVPMS? Thanks in advance.

Animal Registry Registration changes

Hi All,

Recently we have been requested to add a new field to the Microchip/Animal Registration forms so they adhere to new Victorian and Queensland legislation.   The Forms now need to include a Source No (VIC) or Breeder No (QLD) which I believe represents the registered supplier/breeder of the patient being registered.

Obvioulsy, without some place to store this, these would need to be added manually to the form post printing or via a Form prompt in OpenVPMS.

Insurance prompt during Checkout: Gap payment

Hi everyone,

We implemented e-claims recently via Vertical Connect and it has been largely seemless. It is saving time for our staff too.

One aspect that caught me by surprise the other day was that if there is a current insurance policy, it will prompt the user if they wish to make a gap payment. We don't use gap payments (just e-xlaims). Is this a prompt that is configurable?



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