General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Patent Invoices

Is there a report that will print all invoices for a particular patient?

We seem to be getting more and more requests for reprints of every invoice for certain dogs, which is very time consuming for our reception staff.

Visit notes formatting

We recently created a macro for use with in house lab results.

It contains heaps of spaces to mimic the effect of a table with columns. 

It saves fine but when viewed in the summary all the spaces are trimmed.


When editing

New feature request: Clinician(s) responsible Patient tab

Hi all,

We have patients who have ongoing problems for which they have a specific team of clinicians assigned.

When our reception team is taking a call and deciding for whom a call is to be assigned (or even if a call back or a consult is required) they have to jump into the medical records and look for notes. Some clinicians hijack the Problem and set a future dated Problem with their name on it but it makes histories look dodgy and is intermittently applied.

We would like;

Macro expression testing for the presence of a selected Patient

Hi guys,

I thought I had this sorted but I dont :-)


I had thought this;

expr:if(boolean($patient), $,'NO PATIENT')

would work in say, a SMS macro where only a Customer has been selected but instead the macro just doesn't expand (fails).

Is my expression bogus?



Calculating Doses


When calculating doses, calculated quantities override those specified by templates.

What is the rationale for this?

Is it possible for templates to have a toggle that turns auto-calculation on or off for items in the template.

This could be either global (all items in the template) or per item (like the zero price and print toggles).

There are some templates where we would really like to be able to over-ride auto-calculation for items, while retaining auto-calculation when charging the item on its own or in other templates.

Printing statements of account rather than emailing

We would like to be able to print and mail our customers' statements of account rather than emailing them.  Is there a way to do this all in one go rather than having to request a statement print individually for each client that is carrying a balance?  Having to do it that way is very tedious.  I'm sure there is a place in Administration that lets me change this but I can't seem to find it.

Many thanks for your advice

Task Type as a drop down rather than text search (very minor)

Hey guys,

We use task types in some of administrative worklists to sort our task lists. Many of these Worklists have relatively small numbers of task types (<5). 

How feasible would it be to be able to select either a drop down or text search within the Worklist config? It would aid intuitive use for the mouse users amongst us.

Starting from scratch

I am going to start a mobile practice and would like to use OpenVPMS.

I have had previous advice recommending a cloud based application to use with my laptop, a mid range Microsoft Surface Pro (i5 with 1.8GHZ 8GB RAM). 


Can anyone suggest an implementor who would be able to set this up for me, and perhaps give me an estimate of the costs involved?


Thanks in Advance,


Patient List Reminders

Good afternoon all. I am having troubles in knowing what should be done with our Patient List Reminders.

If I print it out by Send all - does it assume that I have addressed each reminder listed and updates the reminder count?

How do you manage yours in general practice? and how often?


Thanks Anna


Attaching discount type

We have a few clients (mainly rescue organizations) that are eligible for a discount.  We have them set up in the discount type listing.  We have just added a new rescue and we cannot get it to activate or apply the discount when invoicing.  We have checked and double checked and we can't find what we've missed that would activate the discount. Thanks for your advice.All of the others in the discount type list work fine.  It's just the new one that is a problem.

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