General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Wildcard searching for product names when billing

As we get more and more used to google-ish searching we find ourselves telling staff repeatedly about using the wildcard symbol "%" more and more often.


eg. To search for product "AMCLT50 (CLAVULOX)"  with "%clav%"

Some searches in OpenVPMS have the % added to start and finish of the search term by default. 

Could product searches be made one of these?



Communications in medical records (2.2)

Upgrading to 2.2 has been a seemless affair. Congratulations to Tim & Tony for the release.


In regards to have Customer & Patient communications shown in the Visit Editor->Summary tab;


1. Color

Is there a color setting like the other elements?

Renew prescription?

Is there a way to renew a prescription (i.e. create a copy of an expired or used presciption)?

If not, can I propose it as a really good idea?

Workflow Scheduling to show current time?


Is there any way to get the schedule to show the appointments for the current time rather than having to scroll from the top of the list?



New Product addition


I would love to be able to add a new product from Suppliers - Deliveries rather than having to quit the invoice I'm working on, make the product then go back to the invoice.

Is there something I'm missing? or is this something we could make a project for?




Discount not applying

Hi there,

We have a couple of newer clients and although we have set them up to receive an automatic discount but this is not happening  when the invoice is built.  I'm sure that we have missed something somewhere but I can't find the missing box.  Client # 16444 is one of the affected accounts

Many thanks for your assistance.Attaching discount typeAttaching discount type

Ordering System deficits

Integrated ordering with suppliers is one of the great features of open.  However I have noted a large deficit.  

Over time its common for backorders in the system to get well out of sync with the supplier - this will lead to failure in the order generation phase because it cannot correctly calculate backorders on current stock.

I will refer to 2 backorders - internal backordering, and supplier backordering.

This occurs for 2 reasons

Insurance Reporting Window

Can I suggest we update the insurance reporting windows defaults

1.  Descending date order - ie display the most recent first.

2. set the status filter to cover anything - not final (ie not settled/declined/cancelled)


Using ipad

Apologies if this has been covered.

We currently print out an invoice for all consultations and would like to reduce paper waste but still want to show clients the invoice before it is finalised. We were thinking of using an ipad to show as print preview but it seems that this feature is not available on the ipad.

Any suggestions around this and also we are unable to access attachments on the ipad either?

Thanks Anna 

Printed drug labels

Good morning. Just wanting some advice on how I extend the characters printed out on the drug label.

I understand that it is the printed name of the product that is printed out on the drug label. We seem to have a limited number of characters that print out - perhaps 20 and we often are missing packet size

ie Frusemide 20 mg 100 tablets comes out as Frusemide 20mg

How can I adjust how the labels are set up?

Thanks! Anna

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