General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

adjust opening balance

How do i adjust the opening balance/initial balance for already billed customers?

Customer search


Is there a way i can filter the customer search with either the phone number or the first and second name.


Adding Vaccinations

Hello, new user just starting out. I was wondering what product archetype most people have added standard cat and dog vaccinations as (c3, c5 KC, Fe3 ect). Not sure what would be best out of Medication or Service? I have added a few as services but then they aren't showing up in the medical history the way medications do?

Payment option - MPESA

How do i add the payment option MPESA instead of EFT(MPESA is a Kenyan mobile payment which is widely used in my country Kenya).

I have add a custom payment as MPESA , which forces us to use payment option as Other.

This is causing issues with the finance department.


How do we add MPESA as a payment option, is there a way to edit EFT option to read MPESA?


Invoice unit amount

am getting the invoice unit amount getting stripped, i have edited the invoice items, invoice items PT and invoice jrxml files but still getting the same issue.

The counter sale too is behaving the same. Credit note is okay. Please note that the Total amount is okay.

See the attached screenshot.


Change Letter case on products

How can i change the products names to only start with Capital letter, we copy-pasted the products in the system, all with capital letters. e.g. BILATERAL ENTROPIUM CORRECTION

Is there a way to filter all of them and change the case?



Customer Sales Report Totals


Quick question, is the Customer Sales Report on invoice basis or cash basis?

Our accountant wants a report on invoice basis (all invoices paid and unpaid) and I'm pretty sure the Customer Sales Report are only paid invoices. Is there a report I can use?



How to load an Insurance claim form

How do i load the insurance claim form, i have already added the insurer?


estimate document


Am having a challenge on estimate document. The zeros on the amount are being stripped off

see attached pdf and screenshot

Tabs colors

How do i change color on individual tabs, e.g. on customers(blue), products(pink), workflow(purple), etc

Thanks again

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