General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Trimming trailing whitespace in textfield

Dear Forum Members,

Not sure if posting this in the correct forum but interested to hear if people think the below described behaviour is what they expect.

When using openvpms ( on a tablet or phone as I do a lot in the field, if autocomplete fills in the client or patient search field it adds a trailing space to the word that is placed in the textfield. If the search button is then pressed no fields are returned as the query is submitted with the whitespace included rather than trimming it.

Templates(Pricing) nested

I have also noted that when nesting templates the print rules are not adhered to 

I have an

Anaesthetic - Indcuction template (it includes 10 items) but the print box is cleared on all items and set to print an aggregate.

I have a dental template

It includes the above induction template pluse 2 other items

It is set to print each item and not aggregate

The current behaviour is the aggregation is lost on the included induction template.

I would have thought this unintended.


Setting a text field to display conditionally based on age.

I have a text field in a jasperreport that I want to display if the animal is over 7.  

I created a variable (boolean) that was set to the expression


I also tried

YEARS($F{patient.entity.datefBirth}, Today())>7

both still return false even when the patient is 15 on file.  

External Edit - OpenWebStart stopped working


We are using OpenWebStart to open our External Edit documents. It was working fine, but no longer allowing the documents to open in either the windows terminals or our macs. Would this be related to our version of OpenVPMS?

I've tried the troubleshooting and other steps on google.



ASAP form for those who are using Investigations

Allo all,


For those practices in Melbourne who use ASAP labs, here is an updated form.

It uses iReport so is a bit faster but most importantly it includes a barcode for the investigation id to avoid data entry errors.

Note that the animal stencil image needs to be resident on the system with OpenVPMS on it and the path for that field updated to match.

I've uploaded the stencil image for that purpose as well.




Macro Expansion in Forms

Hey Guys


Can I just confirm that the reason this macro fails if used in document template is because it uses
$patient notation?

Macro 1

Heska integration

Just wondering if Open has full bi-way integration with Heska blood machines yet?

If it does, is everyone happy with the functionality.

Currently using Vetscan and while the machines themselves are fine, communication through FUSE is not so fine - ditto for Zoetis tech troubleshooting capacity.





Is there a way of being able to list all prior vaccinations on the current vaccination certificate.


Invoice estimate dose


We have found when invoicing an estimate where a dose was calculated based on weight that the original dose is kept even though a new weight has been entered for the patient since the estimate was created say 3 months ago.

Is this correct or should the invoice not update the dose based on latest patient weight?


Internal Server Error 500 when uploading Template Documents

Hi all,

Just started using OpenVPMS and testing out its features.

On my fresh install on macOS Monterey I'm getting an Internal Server Error 500 when trying to upload Template Documents. I've attached a screenshot of the error.

So far I've tried it with different formats of document, I've tested .doc, .odt, .jrxml and .rft. They all result in the same error.

I've checked that there is write permissions on the reports folders.

I can't think of anything else that might be causing it, can anyone help?

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