General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Restricting How Users Charge Items


This appears not to be a feature in OpenVPMS yet and so I was interested in finding out what people thought of it. If it is worthwhile, workarounds, worth getting it costed for implementation, etc.

I would like the ability in to be able to:

- Set minimum quantities for items (i.e. minimum quantitiy of 1 vial of cephazolin - so people can't charge 1/2 a vial, etc).

Personal Pronouns In Letters


I am writing discharge statements for a variety of conditions. I am creating these as patient letters where we can add in further comments/medications etc. However I would like to be able to refer to patients as "he/she" in letters. Obviously I don't want to type this out each time we refer to him or her...

So is anyone aware of a way in patient letters I can get OpenVPMS/MS Word or Open Office to recognise the sex of my patient and refer to them as he/she in the document?

Thanking you,

Adrian Simon

Product Documents

Ive been adding a couple of documents to various products so they autogenerate at invoicing.

In particular to 1 product I added 2 Patient Letters not forms.  

Installing OVPMS

Hello can anyone help.

i have treid twice now to down load and install OVPMS - having trouble...

1. Download the MYSQL GUI Tools - comes up with this Installation package is not supported by this processor type.

2. Can not install MySQL.


thank you if you can help


My "little things" Wish List for v 1.6

1. I note that the SMS window has a  "character counter" which counts down
from 160 enabling you to see how much text space you have left.  Could this
module (not counting down, though) be applied to the Microchip field? I ask
as most MCs have 4-6 sequential zeros in their number and a character counter
to the right of the field would ensure that you end up with 15 numbers, not
14 or 16.  Is it a biggie, how much would it cost?

2. Could the microchip number be included in the left side summary screen?

My "little things" Wish List for v1.6

1. I note that the SMS window has a  "character counter" which counts down from 160 enabling you to see how much text space you have left.  Could this module (not counting down, though) be applied to the Microchip field? I ask as most MCs have 4-6 sequential zeros in their number and a character counter to the right of the field would ensure that you end up with 15 numbers, not 14 or 16.  Is it a biggie, how much would it cost?

What's "Preferred" Check Box Use d For?

We're noticing that,  no matter which phone number we check the "preferred"
box for, the home number is always the one presented on the summary screen at
left.  For example, we have a few clients that "prefer" us to call on mobile
or business numbers, but it's a real PITA that only the home number shows (I
suppose it keeps the "post-it notes" suppliers in business ).

Is the "preferred" check-box a WAD or a bug?


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What's "Preferred" Check Box Used For?

We're noticing that,  no matter which phone number we check the "preferred" box for, the home number is always the one presented on the summary screen at left.  For example, we have a few clients that "prefer" us to call on mobile or business numbers, but it's a real PITA that only the home number shows (I suppose it keeps the "post-it notes" suppliers in business smiley ).

No Mail Outs

Is there a way in Open VPMS you can stop a client getting mail outs execpt reminders - eg - if we set the home address as just having the reminder 'purpose' will they only get those and nothing else?



History page(s)

Not sure where to put this thought bubble.

When you have a history with multiple pages and you scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page, you have to then scroll all the way back up, before you can bring up a different page. Would it be possible to also have the page up/down button at the bottom of the page as well?

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