General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Thinking of implementing OpenVPMS - would like an email or skype discussion with current users

Dear OpenVPMS user,

       We are thinking of implementing and contributing to OpenVPMS in our UK practice, as it seems like a great project.  We would like to discuss how the system works in practice with anyone who uses it.  We are particularly interested in the SMS auto-reminder project and how staff-rota works with the appointment system.  Please get in touch if you have the time to email or Skype.


Kind regards,


Implementor help needed

Hi, we have just set up a new clinic, have started the set up for VPMS, and have hit the stage that we need the help of an implementor.

We have installed the system with Linux; set up the postcodes; workflow and the work list.

The help we need (and are happy to pay for) involves the rest of the set up of templates, reminders, etc. We have started loading customers and patients, but haven't inputed our inventory as we are concerned about the template for the dispensing fees, etc.


Paula Hastie


07 47243331

Funding Update: Product Template Vis it and Invoice notes 100%!

A huge thanks goes to a single user who has contributed the entire amount to
fund this user project!!!

Fingers crossed this feature should be in the 1.6 release hopefully!

Funding Update: Product Template Visit and Invoice notes 100%!

A huge thanks goes to a single user who has contributed the entire amount to fund this user project!!!

Fingers crossed this feature should be in the 1.6 release hopefully! It has been sent to the developers!



Matt Costa

Permission Error with PRINT PREVIEW

So we have a simple user roles setup

We have admin - who has Save All, Create All, Remove All.

Then we have "GENERAL" who has

Save All

Create All

Counter Sale Charge Removal

Counter Sale Item Removal

Appointment Removal


Now this works well for the restriction we need, however when a user with the GENERAL ROLE goes to PREVIEW a PRINT ITEM they get the following exception


Reminder "Bell" Icon Colour Change

Mentioned last by tony on Thu, 06/10/2011 - 08:21

Think this is a good idea and has been actually in the JIRA 

for a while ( but never implemented.

This JIRA has been floating around since April 2008 - how do we go about getting it "implemented"?


Macro Character Amount Error

Hi All,

i have seen that this macro error has occurred a few years ago with version 1.3. I believed it was fixed when version 1.4 was released. We have been on 1.5 for some time now but when I went to edit some macro's I am getting the error box:

'Failed to validate Code of Macro: Field must contain at most 255 characters'

Setting up Reminders to be sent by email

Just wondering if anyone can let me know how to set up the reminders to be sent via email for clients who chose this option. Currently when running reminders and if anyone has chosen this option it comes up as error and I have to remove email option and print them


"No Reason" - New Visit created on day 2 of Hospitalisation

If I have a patient in for more than one day, how do I keep all the info in
one visit? 

If I try to "consult" a hospitalised patient on day 2, OpenVPMS generates a
new visit entitled "No Reason".  If I ignore the "No Reason" visit and add a
"day 2" note under day 1's visit (which seems logical to me), then bill out
medication and documents, the medication and documents are then stored under
the "No Reason" visit and not with the visit for which the medication is
prescribed or documents generated. 

How do users deal with animals hospitalised, examined and medicated for
several days if each d

"No Reason" - New Visit created on day 2 of Hospitalisation

If I have a patient in for more than one day, how do I keep all the info in one visit? 

If I try to "consult" a hospitalised patient on day 2, OpenVPMS generates a new visit entitled "No Reason".  If I ignore the "No Reason" visit and add a "day 2" note under day 1's visit (which seems logical to me), then bill out medication and documents, the medication and documents are then stored under the "No Reason" visit and not with the visit for which the medication is prescribed or documents generated. 

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