General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Firefox is already running error message

From time to time, I think a screen doesn't get shutdown properly at night and just gets switched off at the wall or something.  It also happens if I go home with my laptop still running and logged into the system remotely.


Reminder Printer issues

Hi All,

We have always had issues with our HP P2015n invoice printer when it comes to printing reminders. Need to replace it soon. It has been faultless as an invoice/ recept printer etc however, have always had difficulties with the postcards feeding. We have tried different postcards etc.

Apart from the issues with re-running the reminder run when the darn thing strews up, has anyone out there got any ideas re options for printers ( brands or models) and or different postcards tpyes or brands that work okay??

Matthew R

Croydon Vet

Idexx Labs

Anyone else noticed that Idexx no longer pay any attention to internal requisition numbers we might place on a request.  They are just using the same number as the accession number..

Apparently its a new system they implemented....all I can say is how retro.

Forum Dual posts

Any chance we could fix the forum to stop the double posting that occurs when people post on forum and then its picked up by the mailing list and reposted to the forum.  It gets confusing to track 2 threads on the same topic.

I know its annoying with round robin email lists, we have the same issue with our path results.


Lookup - All contact phone numbers


I've had a look through the forums, but can't seem to find a lookup for multiple client phone numbers. I'd like to put them on our forms and the only ones I can find are: [party:getHomeTelephone(party:getPatientOwner(.))] which just gives the home phone number or if there isn't a home phone then the first preferred (ie mobile)

Trouble adding a new visit or note wit h only certain clients or patients.

Hi, this only happens occasionally,

but with a patient that had a recent visit, all the subsequent visits have
appeared after the visit on the 17th, even if we book a new visit, check them
in and go through waiting room to do the new consult.

Trouble adding a new visit or note with only certain clients or patients.

Hi, this only happens occasionally,

but with a patient that had a recent visit, all the subsequent visits have appeared after the visit on the 17th, even if we book a new visit, check them in and go through waiting room to do the new consult. I have also tried entering a new visit and date and then adding new notes, finalised the bill, still seems to be added after the 17th, any explanation? 



Stock Adjustments

I was so happy to see in v1.5 that in selecting items, clients etc you could 'select again' and go back to the original list or use previous/next.

Shock/horror - I now find that in the lead up to EOFY that stock adjustments have missed out on this feature so every item has to be searched and selected each time.

Is there any way this bug can be urgently patched to make EOFY stocktake less of a headache.


Thanks, Nick

Email Subject/Body for Reminder's Cl arification

Can anyone clarify, do these fields accept, java functions or are they simply
a fixed generic field.  ie


>"Your Pet/s are due for an annual check up please check the attached file
>for details and the due date."
or can you use :-


>'Dear' [party:getPartyFullName(party:getPatientOwner(.))] ','
>'You pet,' ' is due for a annual checkup.

Email Subject/Body for Reminder's Clarification

Can anyone clarify, do these fields accept, java functions or are they simply a fixed generic field.  ie


"Your Pet/s are due for an annual check up please check the attached file for details and the due date."

or can you use :-


'Dear' [party:getPartyFullName(party:getPatientOwner(.))] ','

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