General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Is There a Field Name for Alias

Our patient records have pet name (eg "Fred") as petname and Pedigree Name (eg "Grand Champion SomeBreeder SomeDog") in the Alias field. 

I'm trying to prepare an HD request form, and have tried using [party:getPatientAlias(.)] (modifying the Microchip mergefield) but get an "expression error".

Is there a mergefield for Alias?


Open Crashed


our OpenVPMS has crashed, internet is working but when try and log onto Open we get the message

"Unable to connect
          Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at ehsbs:8080."

Have rebooted the server but doesn't help, anyone have a solution?


Posting New Consult Type


I've made up a new consult type - Phone consult, chose colour etc. Looks to be the same settings as the other consults types but can't get it to appear. Can someone please help.



Patient Letter

I am wondering if others can help?

I have set up a patient letter in open office with a fillin field.

When I generate a new document from the patient documents screen I get the pop up to write my directions so all good.

I have attached this to a product and when I invoice this product the letter comes up to print but not the fillin field to edit.

Would anyone have any thoughts on where I have gone wrong?



Mail Merge No Date of Birth

I am struggling to complete our first mail merge to equine customers only.  When running the standard report, only customers are displayed who have an equine patient with a date of birth.  Unfortunately it is quite common that patients date of birth is not included in patient information.

Is there a report to allow patients with no DOB to be included in the report?

If not is there at least a report to identify which patients do not have a date of birth?

Thanks for anyones help !



Patient Sterilisation Report

Would it be possible for someone to modify the above report so that when exported the:

Client First Name and second name are separated into 2 colums and the:

Street address and Suburb / State /PC are also separted onto 2 columns and:

Phone numbers either removed or put in a separate column

+/- email address added in another column

At the moment I am hand editing the excel sheet before a mail merge which is very time consuming.

Many thanks,


Ubuntu 12.04 setup script

We have just setup for the first time using Ubuntu 12.04. Having had some difficulties with setup/installation we engaged the services of a gentleman who was far more experienced with linux. He has provided us with a setup script, so we thought we would share this. I hope this may be of assistance to someone, it certainly was to us.

*I could not attach it as a file, so here are the contents.

Patients Not Vaccinated

Is there a report that can be run to search the database by species by date for something that has not happened? Specifically can I run a report by species to find animals that have not been vaccinated in the past 12 months, but the client has been seen during that time?

Further, can I query the database to find animals over 10 years of age, who have been into clinic during 2009 and 2010 for any reason/service/product but not since that time?

Paul Martin

Regarding Reminder Setup

Hi All,

Can Anyone please help to share that how we can create reminders in OpenVpms . 

What are the all steps involved .if possible help to create one reminder with the help of screenshots .

Currently I am creating Reminders , but not able to send . attached is the screenshots for reminders created. 

Firefox is already running error messa ge

From time to time, I think a screen doesn't get shutdown properly at night
and just gets switched off at the wall or something.  It also happens if I
go home with my laptop still running and logged into the system remotely.



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