General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

v 1.6

Hi All,

On reviewing the Vic meeting minutes the following is my wish list - I am not sure how many are on the 1.6 list, have been jira'd or costed??

#2- Price Check for a quick costing with ability to attach to a patient if accepted

#3 - New note/visit button in histories

#4- Copy and Paste in Scheduling - single and multiple appointments ( possibly copying appointment types so block outs could be copied across many days)

#12- Check ability for duplicate clients and patients when adding

#16- Dicom image retrieval

Stock Reorder Report


I have a product that is not coming up on the stock reorder report. It is an everyday product that has previously come up.

I have checked on qty on hand,ideal and critical levels and these look correct.

Would anyone have any ideas what else I can check?



Implement a new Payment type

I was wondering how everyone felt about permanently adding a new Payment type
for Direct Deposits to the core Openvpms system, when considering how to
process these payments made by bank transfer nothing really fit,  I try and
make sure that our eft/cc totals balance exactly against the daily totals, as
does the cash.  Using a account credit didnt really track the payment as
well as i believe it could with a new payment type just for that purpose.  

If people are happy to have this added I think I can help add it.


Open VPMS has a basic messaging system linked to users but only associated with client/patient messages. Would it be difficult to expand it's functionality so that it could include a text message box and send to selected or 'all users' so that it could be used as a practice staff messaging system?

Alternatively does anyone know a good Open Source intranet messaging system that is easy to run off Windows Server



Difference in sales report figures

Can anyone explain why there is a significant difference in figures between the Clinician Sales Report and Practice Clinician Sales Analysis ? It has got me beat.

Client & Pet Check in sheet

Hi - we have designed this check in sheet to help us check client details and pet details. The sheet is printed prior to the scheduled appointment. It also helps us jot notes during the consult. We print onto a A4 sheet.

Thought it would be good to share - esp for Vet ware people who like the F4 sheets!

Enjoy, Anna


Hi Could someone tell me when the next meeting will be in Melbourne?

Thanks Anna

Reducing the number of steps to accomplish one task!

We have now been using OpenVPMS for a couple of months and as a clinic are finding there are alot of steps that require skipping or are long winded to achieve what used to be a simple task in Vetware is now very longwinded in Open.

ie. Adding microchips manually (this was automated in Vetware when you billed it out)

    Removal of the desexing reminder when a desexing is billed out (again this was automatic in vetware and now is another manual job)

These are just a few examples.

Thanks for your time.

Pound Road Veterinary

Schedule View (size of date)

Hi all,

We were wondering is there a setting of sorts to increase the size of the date etc at the top of the schedule viewer.

Thank you

Pound Road Veterinary Clinic

Patient Report

I have just tried to use the Patient Activity Export report to search for patients for a mail merge but on reviewing the list I find it is including a lot of Deceased pets (still active as usual but deceased box ticked and date entered).

Can this report be altered to exclude deceased pets or is there another one that will produce the same address/email output for mail merge?



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