General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Macro's Not expanding

So I have 1.5.1 running and I started playing with macro's yesterday to see what ones are implemented by default and setup some new custom macros

I setup one called ex_nad and another coded sxcastration

Both are selectable from  Alt-M, but niether will expand when used in notes.  The default macro's seem to work fine ie 2@bid etc..

Any ideas on what might be going on, I tried logout/login, as I have found with some of the organizational archetypes they arent updated until logout schedules.

Product list can't "read" decima l point

Has anyone else had the problem where a Product entered as say Brand X dog
food 1.5kg gets modified by the computer to 1. 5kg ? In other worsd the
computer assumes a decimal point is in fact a full stop ? Any way of fixcing
this ?

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Product list can't "read" decimal point

Has anyone else had the problem where a Product entered as say Brand X dog food 1.5kg gets modified by the computer to 1. 5kg ? In other worsd the computer assumes a decimal point is in fact a full stop ? Any way of fixcing this ?

Boarding Schedule View

I'd like to propose a project, if it hasn't already been proposed regarding a new schedule view. This would be a multiple day appointment schedule with:

Temporary bulk increase of prices by s pecified percentage


Was anyone aware of a way to increase/decrease prices of all charges by a
specified percentage?

We are wanting to increase prices for the public holidays and then revert
them back to normal after they are finished.

Thanking you,

Adrian Simon

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Appointment status


I have tried adding a 'Rebooked' to the appointment status in Archetypes but get an error message. Can someone please step me through the process or is it a deep database issue beyond me?

Thank you,


Temporary bulk increase of prices by specified percentage


Was anyone aware of a way to increase/decrease prices of all charges by a specified percentage?

We are wanting to increase prices for the public holidays and then revert them back to normal after they are finished.

Thanking you,

Adrian Simon

Appointment Screen

There is still no "copy" function on the Appointment screen in the latest version of OpenVPMS 5.1.1

Where are we up to with this enhancement? How do others copy repeatable and reoccuring appointments like public holidays,rostered days off, and staff meetings onto their daily appointment screen

Printing problem

I tried to print an estimation this morning and found this message attached was coming up and i was unable to. We had an upgrade yesterday so not sure if this would have anything to do with it?

Any advice would be great.


Messaging on Open VPMS

Hi, we are a newish Clinic to this software and have come over from VETWARE. In Vetware our clinic used the messaging system very heavily to get messages through to all staff members.

Obviously Open has a messaging system, but it doesn't allow multiple messages to multiple people. Is this something that will be instated soon?

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