General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Stock Reorder Report


Would there be a way that the stock reorder report could list the products by description alphabetically?



Reminder Run Dates


I am wondering how Clinics keep a track of the last reminder run dates. Do you write it down as it doesn't seem to print any where on the report.

We run our reminders fortnightly and our prev system would automatically bring up the date range we are up to printing and would also print the dates on the summary report.

Any thoughts/ideas would be great.


Report for Found Animals


When we have a found dog presented I am using the Patient List Report to try and match any possible patients on file to the found one. I am wondering if there is another report that we could also bring in colour, sex, desexed and DEACTIVATED. I keep our database very current and regularly go thru and deactivate patients and clients.

In our previous Practice management software we had a "query" section that could pull a lot of specific data. Would this be something other users would find beneficial or is this available and we haven't found it?

Client Report with balance


Is there a report that can show running balances for a client? The Customer reconciliation report is good, but we would like to know the outstanding balance as at the invoice/payment date.



Re: Users Digest, Vol 53, Issue 10


You could print a statement from the account of the customer, Go to Customers and Select the customer, Click Account under the customers tab and click 'statement'.

Client report


Is there a report we can print for a client who would like to know, in detail, how much money he has spent at clinic since he has been coming to us?



Overdue vaccination reminder search

Hi Everyone,

Hoping someone can help me  smiley

I am trying to create a list of all patients that are overdue for vaccination by 3 months to 3 years (patients that have been sent vaccination reminders in the past).

I have been able to complete this search before, but am having a blank as to how to do it again.


Thanks, Gill.

Customer Report


Are there any reports available where we can get a listing of clients on our system that have not had any transactions with the clinic in for example the last two years?


Customer activity export report excluding clients

Hi there,


Just wondering if anyone can help?? We are trying to do labels for our newsletter and for some reason the customer activity export report is randomly excluding clients. There does not seem to be any common theme as to who or why, hoping somebody has maybe come across this before??


Cheers Megan

Creating species specific lists

I am just wondering how you would go about creating species specific lists which can be used to target groups for marketing purposes.  I am looking to create a list of feline patients with addressess so that I can target them for a food promption.

Many thanks - Rebekah

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