General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Merge Field for Surname


Does anyone know if there is a merge field for just the client surname? I have the merge field for the Title, First Name & Last Name, but I'm after the microsoft word merge field for just the surname.


Bank Deposit Cash Rounding


I am wondering if any one has found that the Till Balance Report has a Till Summary that has a cash rounding total to give you a 5c rounded amount to total. However the Bank Deposit Summary does not have this cash rounding row so I am getting 3c balances to bank.

Not sure if this report should have this extra information.



1.5 beta-2 now available

Hi to all users out there,

The second beta for version 1.5 has been released. The release notes are located at

A download link can be found on that page. 

Appointment Notes Automatically come across to Medical Notes


We are wondering if anyone would find it beneficial for the appointment notes to come over to the medical record. I guess a new Note would need to be automatically generated on Check in. Maybe it could have a reason - Appointment Notes and notes could be attached. Under this more Visit notes could then be added.



Critical stock levels

When setting critical stock levels is the critical level:

  1. the level at which an order will be triggerred or
  2. the level below which an order will be triggered. 

For example if I set an ideal level of 2 would I set a critical level of 2 or 1?

Matt Y. 

Printing reminders

This may havebeen discussed before, but as new users we are struggling to print our reminders. We send Postcards for single reminders and a Grouped reminder A4. The problem seems to be with the two page sizes. They all want to print from the postcard tray on our printer. We can not seem to get them to go to two diffent trays. Is any one else sending Postcards and letters? If so whats your setup like?

Opinions regarding the "Search Identities" option in Customer/Patient searches

Hi everyone,

In 1.5 as per the devlopment project

we will be able to search by OpenVPMS IDs for customer and patients.


While we have been testing Version 1.5 beta we have observed occasional confusion created in the following scenario;

Background image in iReport

Hi guys,
I've added a logo image to our invoices. However, I can't seem to find
the correct directory to place the file (logo.jpg) on our OpenVPMS
server to make it print in the invoice.
The server is Ubuntu linux, standard Java and Tomcat6 install
(openvpms.war is in /var/lib/tomcat6/webapps).

Post Card Reminders


We currently send Reminders as letters but are loking at sending them as Postcards.

Can someone give me an indication of where there are instructions on how to set reminders up as cards and formatting so the address is printed in the right place.

I have done a site search and cannot find anything. If they are not on the site can someone give me some step by step instructions or add them to shared resources.



Ideal Network / OS setup for openvpms

This did not get an answer in implementation section (?? not giving me much confidence in support of this program) So I thought I should try reposting to users:-


What would be the ideal network setup for a several terminal practice?

We currently run a windows 2003 terminal server with 6 workstations running Rxworks. I am a bit linux illiterate.

But :

I want to get away from Windows server and its licencing but still be compatable with the workstations we have.

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