General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

'Server not found' clicking on website attachments


Noted that getting 'Server not found' if click on various attachments on Openvpms website - including attachment I just placed with a forum post ?

Cheerrs Geoff


Openvpms Release 1.5 beta-1 is now available

Good news everyone,

The first beta version of 1.5 is now available. There is alot of new features, enhancements and bug fixes. The release notes list all the changes contained in this release ( 

Matt Y.

banking deposit report

Wondering if it would be possible for the banking deposit report (that we run weekly) to have dates on all the listed transactions. I often find myself looking for a transaction on a particular day, but find it very time consuming to locate due to the fact no transactions are dated and also seen to be in a completely random order. Even cronological order would make more sense??

Search Via Invoice Number

Was wondering if it is possible to search for an invoice, by using the invoice number?  With Direct Deposit payments, often clients will only put the invoice number as a reference.

Printing specific medical record dates

Hi, does anyone know how to print patient medical records but only include specific date periods eg. the last 4 visits. I can't figure it out and can only seem to print the whole record. Thanks, Ari

Re install an new openvpms

Hi, how can I reinstall a new openvpms with the fresh database, en fresh openvpms files.

I used the thread about making a demo openvpms besides real one, but  could't get it to work.

I deleted the database, but is creating new database and uploading sql, myql gives error line one. while restoring of backedup of the current version goes fine.

thanks in advance

Sold products are not taken from inventory

hi, I have installed last version. My biggest problem is the suppliers, product adjastment and product stock level. please correct me: in order to add a prooduct I do like this: 

a. I administration=> I added two new stock location =>

1- suppliers location (while I am putting an order the products are still in de location of suppliers before transfering to my practice depo)

2-second: practice depot which is my practice pharmacy

Expression area

Morning All

Transferring invoices to a different client


Is there any way that once an invoice has been finalised that it can then be transferred to a different client.

Our current situation is that a visit for a Seeing Eye pup was billed to the puppy walker a few days ago but Seeing Eye dogs need the account billed to them. Currently we have reversed the account to the puppy walker and done a new one for Seeing Eye dogs but thought there may have been an easier method.

Thanks for your time

Sarah Trewartha

Cannot generate estimation preview

Hello, has anyone been having trouble previewing an estimation. In the last five days when we have made an estimation and click on preview a red bannered box comes up with error message...

Failed to create report: Failed to find subreport with name: estimationItemsA5.jrxml

How do i point the right part of openvpms (jasper reports i guess) to the "right subreport"?

any help would be much appreciated



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