General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Reminder Report Error


I have found with the 1.5 version when running reminder reports it appears to be failing to generate reports for group reminders either involving more than one item eg prohart and vacc or more than one patient per client.

Can you please advise on how to go about correcting this.

thanks Jess


Changing currency to euro?


Does anyone know how to change the currency to euro everywhere and use the euro currency sign €?

I've set it to EUR but it doesn't change.


Message from Tim M


Does anyone know how to change the currency to euro everywhere and use the euro currency sign €?

I've set it to EUR but it doesn't change.


More reminder Questions!

Hi Guys,

I have some basic reminder questions...we have only recently set them up...90% of our reminders are by email.


1. What is the cancel interval? Eg. if we run our reminders every 2 weeks, and our cancel interval is 8 weeks, does that mean that the client will receive a total of 4 reminders before we stop hassling them?

interactive reminders

I have started using the new interactive reminders in version 1.5-beta. It all works fine, but it would be a massive improvement if the due date was focused when the dialog is presented.

Sometimes the date field (ie. the date created) is focused and sometimes there is no focus at all which means you have to use the mouse.

Would it be a big job to get this changed?

Matt Y.

Email Reminders


Can someone please tell me what I have not set up when the following message appears when I ask to re-send an email reminder:

"Could not connect to SMTP host: localhost, port: 25;
nested exception is: Connection refused: connect"

I have followed all the direction in a previous posting from Tony to Sandra on setting it up.


Thanks, Nick

copying products

We have been copying existing products for some time when entering a new product rather than starting from scratch.

We have just discovered though, that all copied products that have a dispensing fee attached, have added a new dispensing fee onto the list. This became apparent when we were reviewing prices, and we now have multiple dispensing fees which I guess are all attached to different products (with no way of finding which they are attached to).

Upgrading from OpenVPMS 1.5 Beta 1 to Beta 2

Hi, this is my first forum post, so I hope I'm doing it right :)

I'm looking for instructions to upgrade my OpenVPMS from 1.5 beta 1 to 1.5 beta 2. I've downloaded and unzipped the file but I could only find notes and scripts on upgrading from 1.4 to 1.5. Can anyone advise if the steps would be different please? Thanks!


Crediting Stock


When you credit a stock item to a customer should this be showing on their medical records the same as when you invoice an item?

If not would anyone feel this was an advantage to see if clients have declined prescibed meds or had a claim for food etc?


Medical Record sorting


I am wondering if there is a way to change the order of a patients medical records.

I know this is a little similar to Sarahs q's but another spin on things.

We had a patient that had a visit in the morning then came back in the afternoon with a different problem that we had to refer her for.

This same patient is now being referred for the original problem and the afternoon visit is under the morning visit on the same day. I would like it to be above it.

Assistance with stock control

Hi guys,

we are starting to use the stock control tools on the system, and today downloaded and added the relevant stock control reports onto our system.

We have only tested one item at the moment, and we seem to have not implemented it correctly as the number of stock is not decreasing when the item is being purchased, and the item we have added stock level information to is not coming up in the report.

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