General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Printing Issues

I am looking for help with two  issues that I am having at a clinic. They are running 1.4.

1.     No financial documents are printing normally, jrxml files are not printing normally. As an example the Tax Receipt It is printing  logo and part of the text in the Page Header Band, but not items or anything in the Summary Band of the document. However if you preview the document it is ok and prints ok from the print preview.

Discount Settings

A support question has emerged about discount settings. The example is that the Discount Type is set to 50% on a certain Product Type and there are some products within this Product Type which have a maximum discount set to 33%. On billing these items items it has been found that the maximum discount setting of 33% does not over-ride the Discount Type setting of 50%. Has anyone else found this to be the case?


Default Deposit Account when when clearing till


I'm wondering how I get a preferred Deposit account name to appear as the default when you click on 'CLEAR' in the Till Balancing section.  At present our Drysdale clinic has a default deposit account of Newcomb which makes it easier to clear their till incorrectly.

I've looked into the Organisation area and the default deposit clinic is correct and I've also looked in the Till area under organisation and the default clinic there is correct. Is there something else I need to change?


Re: "Autofill" while writing records

We discovered the same issue when we first installed openvpms and now
use the macros to fill blocks of text in client notes but we have also
had to change our drug label codes so they don't appear in the wrong
place. We achieved this by placing a square bracket [ in front of each
code. There was a trick to doing this though.

"Autofill" while writing records

Non GST products - how to enter them on the system

Hi all,

We have some medical products that do not incur any GST when we purchase them. Our system has been set up to apply GST to everything when received. How do we stop this happening for these particular items? Can anyone help me?

I have tried selecting GST in the 'tax' tab on each product's screen, as I was told that even though this sounds backwards it is what I should try. This did not work, it still incurs GST when I try and enter an invoice.

Any help would be appreciated



Re: Reminders

Hi Amanda,

All you need to do is make sure on each client with an email contact you have attached the Reminder purpose to the email contact.  This tells OpenVPMS that the customer wants to receive reminders by email.  If no Reminder Purpose has been attached to any contact then it defaults to Posting (Printing). 

Of course if a specific Reminder Type has defined that reminders for a specific reminder count should be listed (list tick box in Reminder Type templates) then no email will be sent.

Re: Customer Aquisition Report (take 2)

I'll see how I go Glen.

On Sat, Apr 2, 2011 at 10:39 AM, Glen Hastie <> wrote:

So no I haven't yet worked out how to generate a Customer Acquisition report without zero totals. Not sure who can help here.


Fwd: Viewing RTF files

Begin forwarded message:

From: "Philip Ritchie" <>

Viewing RTF files

We frequently get specialist reports sent to us as rtf email attachments. Having just needed a new server I am now finding that when you try and open these rtf patient attachments they only have a pdf icon and if you click on this it stalls the whole network.

Previously you could edit how attachments were handled in Firefox/Options/Applications but the new version on the server does not seem to allow this.

Has anyone got any suggestions on how to handle this?




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