General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Cancel appointments following euthanasias

Hello - apologies if this has been addressed previously.

Is there a way that future appointments are canceled automatically following euthanasia? May be there already is and we are not using this feature!

Thank you Anna

Prevent multiple patients on invoice


Is there a simple way to prevent multiple patients being on an invoice. Perhaps a setting in our system?

We do a lot of work for businesses/charities that require each invoice to only have a single patient on them.

This means that before I send them the invoices I have to delete the items of multiple patients and reinvoice them manually. This cause confusing with the investigations/cubex etc etc.

Application error when clicking on insurance tab after upgrading to 2.1.2

Hi all,

Happy new year in 2020! I wonder if anyone encountered any problem with insurance claim after upgrading to 2.1.2? We had Petsure Vethub installed when we were using 2.0.4 and we were able to submit insurance claims for our clients without any issue. After we upgraded to 2.1.2, we received the following dialogue box when we clicked on the patient Insurance tab (if the patient has had previous insurance claim before):

"An application error has occured. Your session has been reset."


Hello all, just wondering if anyone has an easy solution to my apologies if I am not using the correct terminology..

We are integrated with Provet for our ordering and the issue is that we order Puppy kongs and teething sticks and they are available in pink or blue. We have separate products listed on open for each colour and size, but Provet has the single code for both colours and you just have to specify which colour you want.

So I need a solution:


i am new to the openvpms application and I am trying to find where the database is stored so I can generate routine backups.

Can any assist


SMS not sending to particular clients


I think we have a strange bug where some clients cannot receive SMS from us.

The SMS appears in the clients communication area and appears in our 'sent' folder in emails, but it doesn't appear in our SMSglobal website log.

I have deleted the clients phone number, re-entered it manually (not copy and pasted) - this doesn't fix it. Client has checked and doesn't have our clinic number blocked.

I've tried texting the client from my own mobile phone (works fine).

Facebook appointment integration

Is anyone using online appointments thru Facebook with OpenVPMS or would this require new development work? 



Should consideration be given to having a discount (that is applied to a customer or patient) be applied to any invoices open at the time of the discount being applied. Or a prompt for this to occur?

We often have a discount applied after an invoice has been started so then is only applied to items charged after the discount is applied. This would solve this problem.

Stopped receiving email notification of new posts

Hi to all,

I have stopped receiving email notifications of forum postings.

Would some one be able to advise what settings I would need to check to get "back in the loop"?

Thanks in advance,


Customer Product sales report

Hello - I am looking for a report that lists the products sold to a customer over a given period based on the date the product was invoiced, and not the date the invoice was finalised.

I believe that the Customer Product Sales Report is based on the date the invoice was finalised.


Thanks for your help. Anna

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