General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

ESCI error

When checking the ESCI inbox I am getting the following error:


ESCIA-0500: Failed to process OrderResponseSimple 1455202 for supplier Cenvet (2019) and stock location On The Shelf (56): ESCIA-0403: Duplicate response: 1455202 received for order: 1455202

How is it best to fix this? From our end or their end? Also there is no error reporting that shows up when this error is displayed- is that by design?

Service fee

How can I add a 'service fee' that added as a percentage on top of the total cost?

Worklist - Task Order


Is it possible to order work lists in ways other than the default (which appears to be order of addition).

For example by patient name or client name or clinician?

We have issues finding patients in long lists.



Patient alerts

Hello - we seem to have a number of patients with alerts and just recently found out that only 4 are displayed on the patient window. 

We have some patients that have more than 4 alerts that you only know when you click on the alert tab in patient summary. It would be good to have some sort of of note in the summary panel that more patient alerts exist and that you need to check in the alert tab?


Thank you  Anna



find a deactivated / deceased patient

I have been unable to find the history of an owners previous dog which is now deceased. I look for both active and inactive patients but still cant find it. I hope it has not been deleted. I use cloud based version so does that mean I have back up in cloud?


Document Locks - Is it possible to turn off


We are having a bit of trouble with Document Locks as the staff that use the External Edit function aren't able to access the Document Locks tab, so every time a document locks for them, they have to find an administrator to delete the lock. They do use the External Edit function quite a lot and it's great, but they probably get locked a couple of times a week, which is enough to be annoying.

Clinician on invoice item rather than logged in clinician


We use logged in clinician function, however I'm just wondering if there is a way to use the clinician on the invoice item instead for one document?

On a particular patient letter we use "" which defaults to the logged in clinician, but is there a way to change it to the clinician on the product item?

If there isn't a way, that's fine I will just let the staff know, but if it's easy enough to change that'd be great.

Immediate print mode with Investigations

Hi everyone,

We have just started using Investigations with our labs (yes we are very behind). 

When an Investigation is linked to a document template which has the Preferred Print mode = Immediate, is the expected behaviour that the print job is automatically fired like when a document is linked to the Product? This doesn't seem to be happening for us. Staff need to go into Patient->Medical Records->Documents and print the request form from there.




Dispensing notes for services

I was watching one of our "Master of Stores" (our inventory manager title) add a product to OpenVPMS the other day. She was adding a reading fee for an xray and was adding it as a Medication. "Why are you adding it as a medication?" I asked. 

It turned out that she needed to add some tips/policy points when the service was being estimated (or invoiced). Whenever there was that requirement, the team uses Medications instead of Services. 

So two questions;

1. Could we add Service Notes?

Butterfly systems for stock control & ordering

Is anyone using Butterfly systems for inventory management, stock control & ordering?

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