General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Patient history email "confirm received" option?

Is there an option to select "confirm received" when a patient history is sent via email, for example to a pet insurer?

Context: When patient histories have been sent to PetPlan insurance, they still frequently claim to owners "not received". This is annoying and unreasonable, as some owners understandably get irate with us, especially when we have assured them the information required for a claim has been sent.

Anaesthetic monitor integration

Hi all,

I'm looking to purchase an anaesthetic monitor but before I did wanted to know if there is a brand/model out there that can use our wifi network to integrate with the patients file through Open. 

Thanks again,


Modeus S8 integration

Just wondering if there is integration capacity for Open to talk to Modeus S8 software yet? We are using 2.0.4.



adding client comments

is there some spot to add a client comment. Issues not necessarily bad debt - such as possible difficult cleint or client friend of xx etc, or unreliable etc. 

Adding Patient Alerts to Cage Card


I've been asked to add any patient alerts (Aggression, Allergy, etc) to the cage card template (Patient Form, .odt) that gets printed out at check-in.  I thought for this one I would NOT resort to asking for help but would just figure out how to get to it myself.  DEFEATED... and feeling none too proud about it.

Wondering if anyone could suggest a User Field value that would access this information.


Kamloops, Canada



ipads and laptops


Apologies if this has already been answered.


we are currently using Open on PCs with an old server in our hospital.


We will shortly be hospitalless, and going mobile.

Can I install Open on to either an ipad or a laptop via the cloud?

And if so, how do I transfer over?


Thanks in advance

Smart Flow Sheet to invoice templates

Hi Smart Flow Sheet users,

I'm just wondering what everyone thinks about getting an update to our OpenVPMS / SFS integration to enable SFS to be able to invoice templates rather than just medications / services / merchandise as it does currently.

The ability to be able to invoice a template would certainly help capture some missed charges and also improve the billing process across the two platforms.

printing a customer statement

How do you produce a customer statement with multiple invoices and gst component for total.

Online Ordering - Provet

If anyone is having trouble ordering today (13/08/2019) from Provet the issue is that there security certificates expired  - you will get the error

Supplier Credit Notes - just dont work.

We have been using the supplier invoicing and deliveries interface for some time and I should have posted this earlier...

The supplier credit note feature that is used to generate a credit not for returns - doesnt really work.

Firstly it use the products retail price which is incorrect - suppliers only credit you for the price you paid - ie NETT price 

Its almost impossible to make the credit note match the true value because qty affects the line item price conside an item purchased for $98.86 ex GST - 

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