General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Delivery Document

When we finalise a delivery, we don't have a document available to print the document. We move stock between locations and want a paper record to accompany the stock because it doesn't always match what was ordered that day(we have a document to print the orders).


I can't find it in the resources section.  I assume one exists?

No State or Suburb Lookup working after successfully importing postcodesAU.xml

I feel like Im missing something simple here.

We have successfully imported postcodesAU.xml and can see the Suburb and State information in Lookups no problem.  But when we go to add a customers location in the customers records the State and Suburb dropdown boxes just have "NONE" and putting in a postcode makes no difference.

Country is set to Australia as well. Is there something else I need to do?



How to change the automatic sms appointment reminder txt

Hello - could someone please remind me of how to change the txt for our appointment reminder that goes out automatically?

Need to change it for COVID - 19!

Thanks Anna




Last year I had problems with the VPN connection via windows. At that time a consultant solved the issue but as I use window not mac it was a bit of a time waster for them. There was some sort of setting within windows that you had to find and adjust.


I now have another laptop I want to set up to access vpms when out of office. Again it is a pc not mac.


Brand new

Hello OV people!


My name is Simon Lubans, I'm a small animal vet based in Newcastle NSW and I have decided to take the plunge into becoming a solo mobile vet practitioner. I was chatting with a friend who is retired vet colleague Ross Beatty and he suggested I try using OpenVPMS as my data platform as he had been using it for years and was very happy with its service and performance.

Adding investigations (as jpeg) to email templates within OpenVPMS


First off, does anyone send digital radiograph images via email through OpenVPMS? If so, how do you do it?

We'd like to automatically add any finalised 'Radiology DR' investigations to specific Email Templates. But somehow, the images would need to be converted to jpegs (I think they are dicoms) before attaching to the email.

I understand this might not be possible, and if it is, it's probably very complicated, but wondering if it would interest anyone?


issues when raising invoice



Got an issue when raising a invoice and adding the product, once the product is selcted the following error comes up but then still works

Online patient consent & admissions forms (like pre-flight online boarding pass check-ins)

We would love to have an integrated system for client consent forms for surgery, dentistry, procedures, boarding and grooming.

I would envisage this like the pre-flight boarding pass check-in with Qantas. 

We could do a basic version of this via a Captcha form from our website.

Ideally the information would be automatically saved to OpenVPMS.

Patient note editing screen in 2.1.2

Hi all,

Just wondering how other users are finding the patient note editing screen format in 2.1.x. We've been using version 2.1.2 for 2 weeks now (upgraded from 2.0.4), and we would much prefer the split screen to be something like 40:60 (note editing:patient history) rather then the current 15:85 ratio that we can see. Is there a setting to adjust this format/display ratio at all?

In the future, it would be even better if the display ratio can be adjusted via the black line on screen, similar to the one deplicted in the original project note:

Minor Improvement Request - Alphabetical Ordering Option for Worklists


Currently worklists appear to be ordered by time of admission.

It would be super useful to have an option for some worklists to be ordered alphabetically. Ideally this would be at a worklist level as opposed to a worklist view level.

Use case for us:

- We have a worklist view that contains our waiting room and hospital departments. I.e. a record of all patients in the hospital at any given time.

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