General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Schedule Layouts with Small slot times

Relating to the schedule view - I have setup a clinic who has a standard schedule app time of 15minutes - however they also have a appointment type that is less common but is only 5minutes long.  

This requires that a standard appointment takes 3 slots (5minute slots) but the view then is extremely long - I was wondering if we could add a configuration option to split the scheduled view to show a certain time period but if in a given period there is more than 1 appointment it will expand that period ?

so you end up with

11:00 Daisy

Non listed items in Deliveries: Ignore option

Hello everyone!

We are just now in the process of integrating our deliveries and orders with our wholesaler and have come across something that we were interested in whether others would find useful.


It is our understanding that currently, items that are in a delivery but not in OpenVPMS, need to be removed from the delivery before the delivery can be accepted. In our clinic, we have heaps of items we order that don't ever need to be billed, so we will have lots of non matched items.

App for parasiticide sales integrating with OpenVPMS

Could OpenVPMS create an App for parasiticide sales that could be sent as a link / download App link with the SMS reminder, for example "Bravecto is now due, click to repurchase" then either post to owner or pick up from ABC Vet Hospital. The App or website would take payment and integrate with OpenVPMS payments and stock control. Is this a possibility or too ambitious at present?

New Product from Supplier Deliveries


It would be really helpful if we were able to add a new product directly from a delivery invoice rather than having to get out of the invoice, go to Products and add a new one.

Is this possible?




New Client info from website direct to OpenVPMS?

It would be great if new client info could be entered by the new client and load directly into OpenVPMS as a new client record. Alternatively the info from PetYeti online appointment data load directly into OpenVPMS as a new client record. Or both? Any capacity or possibility of doing this?

Vet S8 Integration

For users of Vet S8 I have identified the current query they use to scrap our data is uses the Invoice Author as opposed to the LINE ITEM clinician entry to record who invoiced a specific S8 - this is incorrect - I have requested they fix it.

Medication templated label does not transpose into New Prescriptions

Topic pretty much says it all - when you create a new prescription for a medication

it should drop in the medication template.

Medication Expiry Dates

Current behaviour is -

If there is no batch this field is left blank.

If the product has a current batch - the field is hard set to that expiry date.

If this occurs the field cannot be changed by the end user.


There is actually only a few cases were this is factually correct. 


Firstly by law all prescribed medication must be prescribed with some defined expiry date. 

Pet insurance under customer not patient?

Have I got something set up wrong? Why is pet insurance information contained on customer not patient? What happens if Fido is insured with Woolworths yet Fluffy is insured with Petsure? Am I missing something?

Time stamp on check-out


Request from staff - Is it possible for openvpms to put a time stamp in the history when the patient is checked out.  In the patient summary it says the start date and end date of the visit, but just wondering if there is somewhere that says what time they checked out.

** realise can payment, but sometimes payment isn't made exactly at check-out.


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