General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

Referred By Client option


When we set up a file for a new client that was referred to us by an existing client, although we can select "Word of Mouth" Type in the Referred By drop down box for the new client info, we have no way of inputting which client it was that referred them. If we could do this we could run a report of our best clients who spread the good word.

Is there any option to do that? We are running v1.9



Stopping particular clients invoices from being finalised


I'm not sure how this would work, but am putting it out there as an idea.

We have particular customers/businesses that have accounts with us that need to be checked and sent a particular way to their accounts department. I feel like I am constantly reminding staff, especially new staff, not to finalise these invoices, to just leave them in progress.

Is there any way we can make specific clients have a pop-up alert before finalising with a message to say 'Stop - do not finalise this account unless checked by management first' or similar.

Customer Orders - Date on item when invoicing


Occasionally I don't get to Customer Orders until a couple of days late (ie after a weekend). When I go through them and invoice the items that are still in progress, it seems to put today's date rather than the date the item was accessed from CubeX.

Is there a way to have the date come through from the customer orders into the client invoice, or does it need to be the date I press invoice?



Average transaction / invoice report

Good morning, 

Can someone point me in the right direction to download a report that tells me

1. How much money each vet generates

2. Average Invoice written by a vet

3. Number of invoices written by a vet

because I am really confused regarding all the terminology.

Medication last prescribed date


I'm looking for a way to get a complete list of the last time every medication was dispensed.

Postcode as User Field in Reminder

G'day all,

Is it possible to create an expression to provide the postcode only from a patientOwner Correspondance/Billing Address for use in a Patient Letter?  I have tried a few variations, but no success.  If not possible, I suppose just the postcode portion could be cut from the full address as a substring.

The idea is a User Field to hide a paragraph in reminders for out-of-town clients, ie any post code not ours.

Regards Simon

Invoice item

Previous version 1.7

new version 1.9.1

sort order not working now



This is to sort product types under patient name

What should this be update /replaced with

Invoice item

Previous version 1.7

new version 1.9.1

sort order not working now


What should this be update /replaced with

Customer Practice Location


We are having some issues with Practice Location of Customers that have been seen at both of our clinics.

If they are added initially at one clinic, they forever remain at that Practice Location unless manually changed in their Customer Information tab.

This affects our invoices, Investigations (HL7), printing etc etc.

Would it be a major issue to change the archetype in party.customerperson so they didn't have a practice location? Does practice location affect other things if remove it from the customer?

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