General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

openvpms on ipad or laptop?


Newbie here,


how easy is it to install openvpms on my laptop or ipad, for purposes of billing on calls, or writing histories from home?


Is it doable, and if so, how?


Cheers, Belinda

openvpms on ipad or laptop?


Newbie here,


how easy is it to install openvpms on my laptop or ipad, for purposes of billing on calls, or writing histories from home?


Is it doable, and if so, how?


Cheers, Belinda

editing reminder template


Please help!


Im 6 months in to new practice ownership, and struggling with the software!


However my main immediate issue is that I cant seem to edit the reminder template (add new logo, reword etc), without it creating error messages and refusing to print.


I am going to try and get some tech support, but in the short term are there any quick and easy answers to this issue?

regards, Belinda

Debtor View Dates etc

I have an issue with the debtors view -

There appears to be a strange methodology in place for total owing calculation that differs from the balance shown in the summary.

Additional the fact statements cannot be printed for the current day is wierd.  I am not sure I understand why.

So Yesterday I was finalizing monthly accounts and found 1 client had had a payment marked off for 3000$ instead of 2000$.  So I reversed the incorrect payment and created the correct and new one.  

Name on Phone Number


I really like the way that when you add an email address to a client, it fills their name into the Name part.

Is it possible to do this for the Phone Number?

If it is, is it possible to do it automatically for the first phone number added, and the subsequent phone numbers have 'Phone Number' or even better have 'Other Phone Numbers'


Pathology Investigations


This is more a workflow question, but I'd like it to be directed from OpenVPMS invoicing, so wondering how everyone else manages their external pathology follow ups (phone calling the owners).

When we charge an external path item, an investigation is created. However our Workflow->Investigations is also full of Radiology, Ultrasound and multiple Pathology lab results.

Would like to see two appointment statuses added "called" and "confirmed"

I would like to propose that two appointment statuses be added "called" and "confirmed". Having these present in the system will make it much easier to track appointment confirmations for future dates.

It is my understanding that these can't simply be added in the admin panel because of coding issues of what would happen when you tried to check in a "called" appointment. OPEN wouldn't know how to handle the status.

If this is incorrect, can someone please set me straight. If it is, can this be proposed for a future update?

Mail merge for SMS reminders


We have just started to rollout the option of SMS reminders for clients however I've now noticed we cant seem to personalise them like the postal reminders. Is there a way to insert the patients name in the reminder as it would become confusing if a vacc SMS went out to a family with 2 or more pets?



Adding new product from Supplier Deliveries

Hi, Im not sure if I'm missing something but I am using the supplier interface to download invoices and would like to be able to add a new product at that stage rather than have it exit the invoice and go to products, add new. Is this something that is or will be possible in the near future?

Selecting visits to include on a printed medical summary

We would like to propose and solicit feedback for a new project. 

We are often sending sending way more information than is needed when printing medical summaries for referrals. One example is a pet that has chronic skin issues being referred to a dermatologist for specialized care. Instead of printing all visits between certain dates, or visits one at a time, we would like for there to be a way to select which visits to include, in this case, just those related to his/her skin condition. 

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