General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

REM lab machines - 2 way communication

Hello again everyone,

This time I have a question,

How many of you guys use or would consider using REM in house lab machines if they had 2 way communication with OpenVPMS? 

"Essential" Patient documents

Hello everyone,

Proposal #1

Would other people find it useful to have some patient or customer forms available without having to go through the current process of creation?

Let me explain more clearly. I reckon we all use admission labels right? Or for the generous/foolish amongst us, customer credit application forms ;-) What if these forms could be printed as if selected within the Documents tab and the Print button pressed.

List of new clients emails in a period

Hi all,


I've tried to search through database but haven't had success. Does anyone know if there is a way to generate and export list of new client's emails (with or without other info) in a certain period, for example, all new clients and their emails since Jan 1 2017? I can generate export lists of new clients in a period with contact info with everything except emails!



data verification - Insist and Persist and google maps for address

Any chance we can look at insist and persist data verification project

i have noticed more insist parameters popping up in the new 1.9.2 version

eg not able to add a client without a contact number would be good


persist - a popup reminder to add client or patient missing data eg address, microchips, gender, etc


google maps or similar for address verification, to reduce errors

data verification - Insist and Persist and google maps for address

Any chance we can look at insist and persist data verification project

i have noticed more insist parameters popping up in the new 1.9.2 version

eg not able to add a client without a contact number would be good


persist - a popup reminder to add client or patient missing data eg address, microchips, gender, etc


google maps or similar for address verification, to reduce errors

Uploading prescription template & inserting hyperlinks



I am wanting to edit our prescription template and add in a couple of hyperlinks.

If possible would like to add in hyperlinks for medication, dosage instructions, repeats and prescription expiry. Is this possible and if so how do I go about it please?

Also is there a way of incorporating prescription templates (patient letter) into the "6. Prescriptions" tab within the patient file? Or is this tab purely for medications we physically dispense rather than scripts to be printed for a pharmacy?

Prodcut Price list displaying GST inclusive price


I've just read the post:

I have just printed a price list using the report that we have on our system and it's printed ext GST prices. I noticed looking at the above post there was a screen shot of a price list and it had an include tax box to tick. The price list we report we have on our system must be well out of date.

Which price list should I download for our system, we're running OpenVPMS version:

Ability to print a patient history (or part there of) in Chronological order.

Hi All,

When we need to print a complete (or partial) medical record the record prints in the same format as the patient summary; - with the most recent patient information at the top of the page.

How to change the password at Login



I have just been given the job of looking after our OpenVPMS program.  

The person who use to do all the work and knows how everything works, has now left.  I am flying blind as I can only do the basic's on this system.

Due to this person leaving I have been asked by management to change the password on our systems.  I can't find anywhere to change this, can someone please point in the right direction.

I do have access to administration.


Thanks in advance


Transferring a patient to a new Customer

I am wondering how to transfer the history and patient details of a patient to another client when they have been rehomed.  I did find a thread which said to transfer the patient to the new client but there was no detail on how to do that.

I don't need financial records to come across, just the clinical history and patient details.



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