General User's Discussion

Comments and discussion on the general functionality of the application including look and feel, performance etc. This forum connects to a mailing list. All posts from the mailing list are submitted to the forum and all posts submitted to the forum will be sent to the list.

HTML email macros crashing, missing and not word wrapping

Hi All,

We've recently upgraded to 1.9 from 1.8.1 and have been having trouble with the new HTML email compose editor.

I see three types of odd behaviour.

Filter clients by location in search results

I know at one point we were on an island of sorts in that we are running OPEN in multiple locations as quasi standalone companies. Is this still the case? 

An improvement I/we would like to see in the next release is the option to filter results by the staff member's current company. Basically add a box that could be checked/unchecked on the Select Customer and Select Patient pages that would limit the results when checked. 

Would others need/use/support such a project?

Thanks, Alan

Price List not showing GST

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone can explain why GST is not included on the printed Price List?

Is there a new/better report we could be using or how do we get GST included so that in the event we are billing manually during power outage we are giving the correct (GST inclusive) pricing.




Report for clients/patients NOT seen in 2years

Hi Brains Trust,

I'm wondering if anyone can tell me if there is a report that enables us to find clients (and/or patients) whom we have not seen in 2 yrs or 4 yrs etc?

In essence - trying to capture "lost/inactive" clients by reporting (on "no activity perhaps from clinic sales or visits etc??") within a certain chosen time frame.

Thanks kindly,




Product Structure and Product type sales report not working


We recently updated to V1.9 and have noticed that the product structure report and the sales by product type is no longer working and even though the product type has been allocated to the item.

Is it possible to get this updated for our financial reporting as soon as possible.


Many thanks

Signature for emails

We have been enjoying being able to email directly within the OpenVPMS program.

I wonder though if there is a way of setting a signature for the bottom of the email that contains practice information/ logo and even user name and qualifications?



Customer ranking facility

We run a system for ranking customers as Platinum (top 5), Gold (6-25), Silver (25-100) by sales in the last 180 days. This is done using a Pentaho Kettle job.

I would like this to become a standard facility in OpenVPMS because a) I am the only one at our place who knows Kettle, and b) I keep forgetting to run the job.

Is there a merge field for Practice Location?

I see a merge field for Practice, but not Practice Location. Am I over looking it?

Thanks, Alan

Schedule name at top and bottom

I know that the schedule name cannot be locked at the top, but can it be shown at the top and the bottom of the page?
Thanks, Alan

Order of notes in letters


Not sure if this is an easy fix, but we are having a small issue with our letters.

If multiple notes from different days are put in a single visit, the order at which the notes print in a letter is jumbled (even though it's chronological in the medical records).

If we print the same visit in patient medical records summary, the order is correct.

The report we use for the letter looks like (let me know if screenshots aren't ok - I can attach the documents)

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